Felder Calls Latest Board Of Elections Literature ‘Ridiculous’

feldCalling the latest voting literature from the Board of Elections “ridiculous,” Senator Simcha Felder (D-Brooklyn) is urging constituents who may be confused about their polling site locations to contact his office for assistance.

“The mail from the Board of Elections is poorly-designed, confusing, and looks like junk-mail,” said Senator Felder. “I suspect most prospective voters will end up tossing it in the garbage without realizing that it contains important content. It’s just ridiculous.”

Senator Felder wants voters to review the voting booklet which lists new polling site and election date information. In addition to English, the booklet is written in four other languages with randomly placed graphics, including an ominous looking exclamation point inside a triangle. The mailer began hitting mailboxes yesterday.

“Each election cycle, there is always a lot of talk about voter disenfranchisement,” Senator Felder added. “And a major contributing factor is the sloppy way in which the Board of Elections continuously fails to engage New York City voters. ”

The primary election is set for September 10, with a run-off election scheduled for October 1.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Simcha Felder has no right calling the literature the Board of Elections sent out this week ridiculous when he himself was rediculous when he voted to extend term limits when he was a member of the New York City when the voters not once but twice defeated it.

  2. “Each election cycle, there is always a lot of talk about voter disenfranchisement”

    You are %100 right! A good example would be TERM LIMITS! We the people voted for it twice and we were told “Go to H–l”! We don’t care what you want! Talk about “disenfranchisement”! Our vote doesn’t mean anything anyway! Why bother voting?!
    Another example would be when King Coumo was

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