Senate Control Hinges on Fate of Southern Dems

senRepublicans are counting on some Southern comfort to lift them into the Senate majority next year.

Control of the Senate rests on a handful of races in the South. Whether moderate Democratic incumbents can survive in GOP-trending Arkansas, Louisiana and North Carolina will go a long way to determining party control.

So will the fate of Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, who faces both a primary challenge and a Democratic rival.

Democrats currently hold a 54-46 edge, though Newark Mayor Cory Booker is expected to win the New Jersey Democratic primary next Tuesday and capture the seat in an October special election. That would give Democrats a 10-seat margin. Republicans would need to gain six seats to run the Senate.


One Response

  1. Republicans always assume that Mary Landrieu is easy pickings, and they always are proven wrong. This may be her easiest win yet; her opponents got off to a late start and she is ahead by large margins in all the polls. She has overwhelming support from the state’s large African American community, and her French ancestry doesn’t hurt either.

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