Ahrila Yahkter: ‘Bayit Vegan Attack was Attempted Murder’

arelFollowing the brutal beating attack against contractor and realtor Aryeh Golovnititz (גולובנציץ) in his Bayit Vegan home on Wednesday night, the eve of 2 Elul 5773, Ahrila Yahkter, who heads the Vaad Against Chilul Kevarim has had enough. He called the attack nothing less than attempted murder and feels the Asra Kadisha hoodlums involved have crossed all lines and must be held accountable. Smeidal the criminal” he explained during a Kikar Shabbos interview, referring to the head of Asra Kadisha, Rav Dov Smeidal.

Yahkter explains that together with his people they visited the Beit Shemesh site to evaluate the situation. He reports that the Asra thugs threw bocks at them and attacked them, adding “this is the same group that goes against Rav Shteinman.”

Yahkter explains they are simply out of control and “blood thirsty”. He calls for their arrest and prosecution, comparing their violence with Hamas tactics. He points out their latest victim; Aryeh Golovnititz is over 70-years-old. He emphasizes he and others like him are adamantly opposed to violence and that he consulted with rabbonim who concur, that they attackers must be placed behind steel bars.

Yahkter blames the Eida rabbonim directly for he feels the Gavaad and others have remained too silent, resulting in silent complicity. “Someone called up Rav Amram Shapira the gabbai of the Gavaad and told him ‘do you known that your son Dovid was there.’ The gabbai responded ‘I don’t tell the Gavaad since there is always two sides. Golovnititz says they attacked him and they maintain he attacked them.’”

Ahrila adds that even murderers standing trial in court insist their actions were in self defense.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Thanks for bringing us this important story, that some other media outlets hide.

    No one should support any individual or organization involved in such a terrible deed. They must be ostracized and brought to justice.

    It is important to warn people about wolves in sheep’s clothing, posing as proper askanim, lest they inadvertently support them. People need to make certain that a cause is proper before giving tzedakkah to them.

  2. Who is Yakter, that YWN found so important to quote.

    Why don’t they quote my opinion?

    Is there any agenda here?

  3. The Badatz had not too long ago publicized that it supported this sort of violence.

    Note: That whenever you buy something with a Badaatz hechsher you are helping to finance this type of violence. These hoodlums get paid based on how much damage they inflict and the money comes in part from the profits of the hechsher.

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