Chareidi-Dressed Intruder Targets Elderly Woman in Ramot

mishtAn intruder operating in the Ramot neighborhood of Yerushalayim on Thursday, 2 Elul 5773 targeted an elderly resident. The victim, 80, told police the man who got into her home was dressed in chareidi clothing. Pointing a gun at her, he used tape to retrain the elderly woman and her 10-year-old granddaughter.

The two began screaming for help, scaring the intruder away. Police were summoned.

Police tell the media it appears a family dispute is the motive for the incident. Police did not elaborate.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. While this story is very sad and scary, BH YWN referred to the man as “Charedi-dressed” and not Charedi.

    Many times Jewish websites/articles incorrectly refer to thugs and bums as “frum”

    Clearly no one “frum” or “Charedi” can act this way.

    Please continue to provide accurate reporting – thank you!

  2. charadi or frum is a description of the person’s external manifestation; what is on the inside is called ‘yiras shamiyim’ but that we can not see.

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