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Will Citizens be Taxed on Gas Mask Protection Kits?

gmas.jpgFollowing a state comptroller report citing the lack of preparedness of Israel’s homefront in the event of war the State Audit Committee convened to discuss and review the report. The report indicates that today, 40% of Israelis do not have gas mask personal protection kits. That means the situation has not improved since the Second Lebanon War of 2006.

There are conflicting reports being fed to the media from politicians but some admit the committee discussed levying a gas mask kit tax on citizens to cover the cost for the nation. Some committee members were outraged at the thought of passing this expense to the citizens, who already feel overtaxed while other stated “What’s the difference. Call it s separate tax or not but at the end of the day, the citizens will be paying for it one way or another.”

The bill for the project is 1.3 billion NIS in addition to 300 million NIS annually to refresh and maintain the kits. Those talking new tax indicate each citizen will have to pay 200 NIS.

Committee Chair MK (Shas) Amnon Cohen is opposed to the tax, pointing out citizens are taxed to the max and there is no room for levying additional taxes. Ze’ev Tzuk-Ram, who heads the National Security Council, adds feels there is justification in weighing a program in which citizens pick up the cost since the kits are being used by them in the civilian population. IDF Homefront Command Brigadier-General Tzvika Tessler reports only 60% of the nation will have a protection kit by the end of 2013.

It appears the matter of levying another tax now rests in the hands of the Prime Minister’s Office.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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