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Hikind’s Endorsement of Ken Thompson ‘Might Influence A Couple Hundred People’

hikind ken thompsonLast week, Assemblyman Dov Hikind endorsed Ken Thompson for Brooklyn DA over longtime incumbent District Attorney Charles Hynes. After declaring Thompson the “best choice for the Jewish community,” Hikind accompanied the candidate along the crowded street, introducing Mr. Thompson to shoppers and merchants, urging them to vote for the DA candidate.

While Mr. Hikind was believed to have the strongest influence in the Orthodox community in the past, after endorsing some citywide losing candidates, observers tell the Jewish Week endorsements — whether by prominent politicians or rabbis — now play a smaller part than in the past in influencing the votes of haredi voters.

“Endorsements have less value than they once had,” Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zweibel, executive vice president of Agudath Israel of America, told the Jewish Week.“People form their own opinions.”

“People in the Orthodox community have become much more independent,” forming their political opinions from reading publications, often online, said Isaac Abraham, a community activist and 2009 City Council candidate. “They read the blogs.”

“Will Hikind’s endorsement of Thompson play a crucial role in the primary?” Mr. Abraham was asked.

“None whatsoever,” Abraham said. By bringing more attention to the race, “it might influence a couple hundred people. At the same time it may turn off a couple hundred people.”

Hikind’s endorsement of Hynes’ opponent “may make more people turn out to vote,” Abraham said. “The Jewish community will pay a little more attention.”

Brooklyn DA Joe Hynes is expected to get the endorsement of Councilman David Greenfield on Thursday.

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

One Response

  1. Your agenda comes out in the last lines.
    “Brooklyn DA Joe Hynes is expected to get the endorsement of Councilman David Greenfield on Thursday.

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