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New York Standardized Test Scores Plunge Under New Learning Standards

classrNew York education officials warned early on not to expect great results on the first English and math tests given statewide to elementary students under tougher new learning standards — and they’re right.

The state Education Department said Thursday test results show that 31 percent of students in grades 3 through 8 scored proficient in English, with the same percentage meeting or exceeding the standard in math.

That compares to last year’s results of 55 percent in English and about two out of every three students meeting or exceeding the math standard.

Regents Chancellor Merryl Tisch and Education Commissioner John King will discuss the scores on a late-morning conference call. Already they’re saying that they should be seen as a new baseline, rather than a decrease in student performance.


4 Responses

  1. Does anyone understand that the current round of test scores does not represent a “plunge” over the prior round? The test in the current round is, supposedly, more rigorous than in the prior round, and so there is no basis for saying there has been a “plunge” in scores, since last year’s apples cannot be compared to this year’s oranges.

    This is not to say that there is no need for improvement in school/student performance, but I am disappointed that no one seems to recognize that if the test is changed every year, there is no way to gauge progress.

  2. Bloomberg said just keep on cutting the budget and fire some more teachers. Each classroom should have at least 500 students. who cares if the teachers can possibly attend and teach so many kids. Who cares if they fail he will fix the problem by cutting the budget again and again till no students will pass the tests and have a 100% failure.
    The main thing is don’t blame the government because he is doing every thing right. Also to make sure that the rich people should not pay their fare share.

  3. Mayerfreund: There have not been layoffs from teachers in almost a decade, so stop your nonsense! The problem is not money, its govt, as in government is involved in education, which it shouldn’t be! The government cannot, in nature, run anything efficiently.
    Your socialist diatribe about not having the rich pay their fair share is also just as silly. Quick questions, what number do you feel should be their fare share? 75%, 85% maybe their full paycheck should go to the government, and we can all live in a socialist paradise, you know like China and Cuba!

  4. Kids don’t read anymore. Parents dont set time limits on computer or games. No pushing of math homework. Cant blame the teachers. We should learn from this. You can learn Torah and read and learn math. Jews did it for centuries.

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