It has been nine years since the government decision to stop compensating Gush Katif farmers for damages, a decision that followed Ariel Sharon’s announcement of his plan to leave Gaza. However, a court ruled this week that those farmers who sustained damages resulting from Arab terrorism were indeed entitled to government compensation – referring to acts of terrorism that occurred in 2003-2004.
Immediately after the start of the so-called Second Intifada in October 2000, the communities in Gush Katif were hit hard, including infiltrations into communities and rocket & shooting attacks. The roads at times became unbearable as shooting attacks became commonplace.
Farmers turned to the courts seeking compensation for attacks that occurred prior the expulsion, which took place in the summer of 2005. Justice Eitan Orenstein sided with the residents, ruling that despite the fact the expulsion took place eight years ago, the residents are entitled to damages for attacks that preceded the disengagement. The amount the government has to pay is expected to be in the tens of millions of NIS.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
3 Responses
Finally a drip of justice!!
perhaps now after nine long years of no peace, after giving the Arabs total control over their area, the Jews on the left and those who call Israel ‘occupiers’ will see that it is not us who is against peace but the Arabs who use what ever they can find as a justification to attack us Jews.
But in reality, most lefty Jews and those who call us ‘occupiers’ do not wish to see clearly the truth. If they did they would have to change their life styles and that is not in their best desires.
No. 2: Did you intend to say, in your first sentence, that Gaza belongs to Arabs? Is that what you meant when you wrote: “perhaps now after nine long years of no peace, after [the State of Israel’s] giving the Arabs total control over their area, …”? If so, I will ask Lefty Headquarters to send you a welcome wagon.