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The Yahrzeit of the Damesek Eliezer ZT”L

deWednesday night, the eve of 2 Elul 5773 marks the 67th yahrzeit of the Damesek Eliezer of Vishnitz ZT”L, a son of the Ahavas Yisrael of Vishnitz ZT”L.

The Damesek Eliezer was vital in his role in Agudas Yisrael in Romania. After WWII he served as av beis din in Vishnitz and reestablished the Beis Yisrael & Damesek Eliezer Yeshiva. He arrived in Eretz Yisrael in תש”ד, living in Tel Aviv, where he established the Vishnitz Yeshiva and served as a leading force in the Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael.

There will be organized charter bus service to Har HaZeisim for the yahrzeit at 14:00 on Thursday, leaving from the Vishnitz beis medrash on Nechemia Street in Jerusalem. For information and registration one may phone 050-413-2833.

Special limud and yahrzeit tischen will take place on Wednesday night and Thursday in Chassidei Vishnitz. A special siyum will take place on Wednesday night at 21:00 in the beis medrash on Nechemia Street in the presence of the Kassov Rebbe Shlita from the USA. Another siyum will take place at the same time in the Vishnitz beis medrash in Beit Shemesh.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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