Jerusalem City Hall Moves Ahead with Chareidi Employment Placement Center

job.jpgJerusalem City Hall has selected the Kemach – Chareidi Professional Advancement organization (קמח-קידום מקצועי חרדי) to operate the new employment placement center that will be opening to serve the chareidi public of the city. The new center is expected to be operational in three months, hoping to provide an employment answer for 4,000 chareidi job-seekers annually.

The program is designed to increase the chareidi representation in the workplace and towards achieving this goal; it has been given a 48 million NIS budget over three years with an option of two additional years. The program is going to operate in cooperation with the Ministry of the Economy, the Ministry of Finance, Jerusalem City Hall, and the Jerusalem Development Company.

Assistance for applicants will include professional diagnostic services, vocational counseling services, and preparing for professional tracks in line with one’s education, training and abilities. There will be workshops aimed at preparing candidates and equipping them with the professional tools required in the workplace along with educational and professional support staff. Suitable applicants will be able to receive professional training and certification including academic studies towards becoming certified in a profession.

Jerusalem has been selected as the pilot program and program leaders will be in touch with chareidi community leaders in the hope of attracting thousands who may benefit from the services offered.

Both Minister of Finance Yair Lapid and Minister of the Economy Naftali Bennett stated that once the new draft bill is passed into law, such services will be launched in the hope of infusing 30,000 chareidim into the nation’s workforce.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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