Quinn Will Fight For NYC ‘Prevailing Wage’ Law

quinSpeaker Christine Quinn says the City Council will appeal a judge’s decision to block New York City’s “prevailing wage” law.

The law passed last year sets pay for some building-service workers at more than $20 an hour.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg sued the City Council after it overrode his veto.

The judge said Monday the state’s minimum wage law trumps the bill. The city’s current minimum wage is $7.25 an hour.

Bloomberg believes the bill discourages companies from doing business in the city. It would impact businesses that get significant space or subsidies from the city.

The bill has the support of the city’s largest building service workers union. That union has endorsed Quinn for mayor.


7 Responses

  1. Social services is a big industry in New York City, and there is no better way to insure a steady supply of unemployed clients then by setting a “prevailing” wage so high that employers will minimize hiring people (which deprives the social services industry of people to serve).

  2. kristein Drag-Quinn is a mule for the unions and will do whatever they want her to do.

    If Drag-Quinn becomes Mayor of New York C”V than it will become New Pork.

  3. Comments 2 and 3 are disgusting and derogatory they should be removed , we dont have
    to accept the speakers lifestyle but we should be above petty slurs.

  4. “Social services is a big industry in New York City, and there is no better way to insure a steady supply of unemployed clients then by setting a “prevailing” wage so high that employers will minimize hiring people (which deprives the social services industry of people to serve).”

    Not true. The bill only applies to government contractors; the social service industry would simply pass on the costs.

    “Christine Queer is unfit for any office.”

    Rambam paskens in Hilchot Tshuvah that people who engage in namecalling forfeit their chelek in olam ha-ba. And how is she worse than Bloomberg? They have similar positions on many issues; as a non-Jew there is no halachic problem with her having a Lesbian partner while Bloomberg’s ex-wife, kids, and current girlfriend are non-Jews. Yet the frum community voted overwhelmingly for Bloomberg!

    “kristein Drag-Quinn is a mule for the unions and will do whatever they want her to do.”

    She is probably the most fiscally conservative of all the Democratic candidates; most unions are supporting other candidates.

    “If Drag-Quinn becomes Mayor of New York C”V than it will become New Pork.”

    In fact, the pages of this site features the frequent boasts of politicians who have managed to funnel government money to frum social service organizations. Get rid of the pork and you have thousands of unemployed frum Jews.

  5. To charliehall — The “Social services” industry, like any industry, needs raw materials. Unemployed people are to the social services industry, what, iron ore is to the steal industry, or flour is to the bread industry.

    Prevailing wage laws require workers to be hired at a rate that exceeds the value of their service. It says “pay this guy $10” even though he is only doing $5 of work. This forces company to be more efficient, which means automating jobs that could be done manually by lower paid workers, or outsourcing to places that allow lower pay (not just India or China, places such as Texas or even upstate New York). This creates more unemployment. However if you are a social worker, unemployed people mean more work for you. Social services live off misery, and a politician that makes more people miserable is making more work for the social services industry.

    As that industry employs many frum Jews, it is clear that
    politicians who create and incease misery, are, from an economic persepective, good for the Jews.

  6. Hashem must have a sense of humor giving us candidates like christine queer, carlos danger and eliot shpritzer. Though nothing can top our organizer in chief, barry sotour!

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