President George W. Bush Had Stent Placed This Morning To Open Artery Blockage In His Heart

bushThe following is a statement as released by the office of George W. Bush:

During President George W. Bush’s annual physical examination at the Cooper Clinic in Dallas yesterday, a blockage was discovered in an artery in his heart. At the recommendation of his doctors, President Bush agreed to have a stent placed to open the blockage. The procedure was performed successfully this morning, without complication, at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. President Bush is in high spirits, eager to return home tomorrow and resume his normal schedule on Thursday. He is grateful to the skilled medical professionals who have cared for him. He thanks his family, friends, and fellow citizens for their prayers and well wishes. And he encourages us all to get our regular check-ups.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. He should have a Refuah Shelamo b’korov!

    President George Bush is a true Oheiv Yisroel. He has been the best President of the United States of America regarding Jewish issues (and Israel) America ever had. He even exceeded President Ronald Magnus Reagan. It will likely be a long time before we have such a tremendously good President again.

    Not to mention he got rid of Saddam Hussein as a threat to the world and Israel. Ensured that not a single foreign terrorist attack on U.S. soil ever occurred again after 9/11 (which came about less than 8 months after Slick Willie left office leaving America unprotected and vulnerable after his eight years of neglect.)

  2. Mark this is second time in a month you have used someones illness to to make a political joke there is a time and place for everything when someone is ill you can wish them a refuah shleimah or just not comment, may President Bush have a speedy and complete recovery.

  3. The Big One – do you think that the people of Gush Katif would agree that he was “the best President of the United States of America regarding Jewish issues (and Israel) America ever had”?

  4. Too much Texas chulent in his early years…Its an important reminder that adopting a healthy lifestyle in your latter years cannot fully undo the harm to your coronary system from poor dietary choices when you are younger. Its hard enough to overcome genetic factors so diet and exercise are crucial on an ongoing basis.

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