MK Gafne on the Chareidi Draft Bill

gafniDuring the meeting of the Shaked Committee on Monday, MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Rav Moshe Gafne told his colleagues that the coalition cannot implement gezeiros on the tzibur that the latter cannot comply with. The members of the vaad headed by MK (Bayit Yehudi) Ayelet Shaked compose the special committee responsible for preparing the Share the Burden Bill for its second and third readings in Knesset.

Gafne explained that just as nine of every ten soldiers inducted into the IDF are non-combatants, the others are viewed as protecting Eretz Yisrael. This is the case with those involved in limud torah he explained.

Shas MK Yisrael Atias added that the chareidi members of the committee are in agreement, and they will not adopt a defensive position to the other members, explaining the issue is not the draft but the effort to compel chareidim to change their lifestyle. “A chareidi entering the military before he is 21 will have difficulty finding a shidduch” he added.

Yesh Atid’s Ofer Shelach sees things differently however, telling chareidi MKs “If the chareidim would have sent all those who don’t learn as they should to the military the Supreme Court would not have disqualified the Tal Law.” Shelach added a warning, “If we don’t reach agreement here, the alternative will be a draft of everyone at the age of 18.”

Representing the IDF Personnel Branch, Brigadier-General Gadi Agmon added “There are thousands who are not learning but we do not have a mechanism in place to identify them and draft them. I would like to understand how a rosh yeshiva, who is a religious person and spiritual leader, can sign a false document.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. “Representing the IDF Personnel Branch, Brigadier-General Gadi Agmon added “There are thousands who are not learning but we do not have a mechanism in place to identify them and draft them.”

    What a Rasha Merusha! What a Rasha Merusha!

    If you cannot identify who is not learning properly, how on earth do you know “there are thousands who are not learning”!?!? You don’t!! And there aren’t thousands such. There are very very few who aren’t really learning. And you’ve openly admitted you don’t know who isn’t. So you cannot possibly know how many or how few aren’t. You are just a plain old fashioned anti-semite who hates Torah Jews, Mr. Brigadier-General Gadi Agmon and your ilk like Bennet and Lapid and Lipman.

  2. I was going to say that this article seems like an objective piece of news for a change without the usual cynical undertones , But…… OOPAH…!! Here they come, the hammer brigade.. The usual suspects/posters…. LOL

  3. ” the issue is not the draft but the effort to compel chareidim to change their lifestyle.”

    The question will be how far will hareidim go to defend themselves Lapid. The Lapid/Bennett camp wants to force Israeli hareidim to either leave the country or become “modern”, and favors very harsh measures to get their way (though its not clear that most hilonim really want concentration camps, but when you talk about mass arrests that’s what they will be compared to).

    The anti-zionist hareidim are quite willing to mortally wound the medinah. It appears unlikely that Shas or Yahadut ha-Torah would want to undermine the state, but unless they are will to actively resist, they will eventually cave in. The alternative that Lapid/Bennett are forcing is to choose between going “modern” or become Palestinian Jews. If Gafni ready to give up the economic benefits of zionism for a halachic principle?

  4. “If the chareidim would have sent all those who don’t learn as they should to the military the Supreme Court would not have disqualified the Tal Law.” –

    TRUTH BE TOLD!!!! Our leadership was ignoring an increasing group of Yeshiva students who were not learning full-time. The reason there is an explosion now is because the embers were ignited years back and ignored.

  5. ZionFlag,

    I believe all these responsas including yours are coming from a place of emotion.A lot of exaggeration on both ends.

    The truth is the middle path. On one side the government doesn’t seem very efficient trying to cram more soldiers into the army, while trying to cut 20 billion sheckels. You can see how this comes across to the frum communities as malicious.

    On the other hand, I don’t see the Haredim siding with the PA. Unless they want to solve the “shidduch crisis”, I don’t forsee such close intermingling between the Arab and Jewish communities.

    Hysteria sells. It bleeds -it leads.

  6. All these claims were same recycles every half decade

    There are hundreds of kiruv opportunities all over the globe,where these boys and their nation would be better served

  7. ““A chareidi entering the military before he is 21 will have difficulty finding a shidduch”

    I’ve heard some really stupid reasons for opposing the government’s policy of requiring all bochurim to either serve in the military or some alternative form of national service but this is perhaps the most insane reasoning thusfar. Who cares if a bochur c’v doesn’t marry until his mid-20s?? That is the norm in most of the world, and by waiting a few years, he will be more mature and have the opportunity of getting the education and training needed to earn a parnassah.

  8. Gadolhadorah, judging by other threads on this forum, the logic is ghastly but in no way insane: the learned MK Atias is explaining that the shidduch engineers, and maybe the aidel maidels themselves, will shun anyone who joins the army at induction age. He seems to consider this just and fair and proposes the obvious solution: a class exemption for the entire population group.

  9. Big One —
    Rasha Merusha is a bit of an exaggeration. The Roshei Yeshiva admit, Gafni admits, anyone living in the Israeli charedi world (as I do) knows that there are many young men registered in Yeshivas who are not learning there full time, as is required. You want the army to identify them? You are inviting the army to start forensic analysis of the lists turned in to va’ad hayeshivos, requiring sign ins and all kinds of things no one in the Yeshiva world (not this one but the real one) wants to allow or even think about. These people are basically validating in practice what Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz (and others decades ago) would say publicly: Someone taking a deferment and not learning full time is oiver on “Lo sa’amod al dam reyachca”. Not because he is allowing another Jew to risk his life for him in the army (serious enough) but because of him, the army will begin drafting boys who really ARE learning. Until the Roshei Yeshiva cooperate with ensuring that only those learning full time get a deferment, they are giving an opening to the army to draft those who should not be drafted. And until the army gets serious about providing a proper environment for charedi soliders they have to realize it will be hard for many Roshei Yeshiva to expose those not suitable for full time learning to serious spiritual dangers that the army. Personally, I think both the army and many Roshei Yeshivas realize this. Some kibbitzers on this list don’t.

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