VIDEO: Six Months Ago, Deri was a Fan of Yehuda and Shomron


After the cabinet on Sunday, 28 Menachem Av 5773 announced its new national priority map, one that does not include Betar Illit, Shas leader Aryeh Deri decided to challenge the decision in the High Court of Justice. Deri feels the inclusion of many new yishuvim clearly shows the ministers were driven by political consideration and not be the criteria that should guide such a decision, hence the court petition.

Interestingly, about six months ago, during a visit to Shomron, Deri was hosted by Gershon Mesika. At that time, he was quite a fan of yishuvim but today it would appear his loyalty may have shifted.

As he toured Shomron and saw Biblical Eretz Yisrael, the Shas leader explained that in his mind, every child must travel to the area, to walk in the footsteps of the Avos on the state’s bill. He explained that he feels that the true nation is in Yehuda and Shomron, acknowledging the significance of these areas to Am Yisrael.

“Tel Aviv and Bat Yam area areas we annexed but the true Jewish nation is here” he stated as he walked the rocky hills of the Shomron near Elon Moreh.

Escorting Deri was Gershon Mesika, the head of the Shomron Regional Council, who reiterates the need for achdus between the dati leumi and chareidi camps. It was Mesika who arranged a recent conference attended by chareidi and dati leumi rabbonim, a conference intended on halting verbal attacks against one another. Mesika reminds us that ten years ago, during a similar situation with Tommy Lapid “we were burned and this led to the expulsion”, referring to Gush Katif and N. Shomron.

Deri concurs and speaks of the need for achdus towards emerging from the next general election with different results.

Click HERE to watch this video on a mobile device.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. what a stupid article!
    1. beitar IS IN Yehuda and shomron. so he’s actually PRO Yehuda and shomron while fighting for beitar.
    2. if anything his point was that habayit party pushed only their own “settlements” and EXCLUDED anything chareidi, though beitar has 150,000 inhabitants and is larger than ANY nationalist-Zionist “settlement” ANYWHERE in Yehuda and shomron.
    3. deri spoke of achdus before the elections and AFTER THEM, TOO!!! then the habayit party joined with lapid and the other anti-semites to exclude deri and all chareidim. now “YESHIVA” world complains that deri is not pursuing achdus with the nationalist-Zionist habayit party and its settlements…

  2. Obviously, his loyalty is to charedim like the loyalty of Bennett is to Daati Leumi and the loyalty of Lapid is to chilonim.

  3. It’s amazing how getting stabbed in the back makes one change one’s political perspectives. Bayit Yehudi is the party of the settlement movement, and Bayit Yehudi is the party that enabled the “war” on the hareidi communities.

    Do you realize that in the 1920s, most German Jews loved Germany and were proud to be Germans and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else?

    Do you know that on Dec. 6, 1941, most Americans had a very favorable view of Japan (and more so ten years ago before hearing rumors of atrocities during the Japanese invasion of China).

    Times changes. Political views change.

  4. Aryeh Deri is a fan of Aryeh Deri and that’s about it. He’ll take whatever position he thinks will get him personally the most power/influence/benefits. His machinations to re-take control of Shas are a perfect example of this – Shas had a well-regarded leader in Eli Yishai, someone even oponents viewed as a “straight shooter” who was a loyal follow of Rav Ovadia, Shlita. Deri, though, was not happy playing second fiddle to anyone – and so insisted on re-taking control, despite all the bad blood this caused. Aryeh does what’s good for Aryeh.

    an Israeli Yid

  5. #4 –
    Correction, my friend. Deri was simply taking back the position that was taken away from him by the govt. who feared him and created a libel against him. Yishai is a nice guy but doesn’t come to his toes in anything. We need Deri’s talent so he can fight the the amaleiki trio to it’s successful end. Rav Ovadia understands this as does anyone who understands anything about Israeli politics.

  6. stam a deya – I disagree with you. Deri is and was always viewed as a slipery character who can not be trusted – not the kind of person you want to do business with. Yishai, on the other hand, was viewed as someone you might disagree with, but at least was straight and you knew where he stood with him. Deri essentially forced his way back into the leadership of Shas bu calling in a promise that had been made to him in a different time. If he’d had the best interests of Shas and their constituancy at heart, he’d have not called in that promise – since it only did good for him, and not the party.

    BTW, I think I know a mite about Israeli politics – I’ve been living in Israel for more than a decade, and have relatives involved in politics at both the local and national level.

    an Israeli Yid

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