1000s of Women Expected at the Kosel on Second Day Rosh Chodesh Elul

koselThe daily HaMevaser reports that “as the Chodesh HaRachamim & HaSlichos is upon us, and due to the difficult situation and gezeiros facing us in Eretz Yisrael by the enemies from outside and within, and due to the fact that for a fourth consecutive month those wishing to eradicate Yiddishkheit continue efforts at the Kosel, bnos yisrael will be there to be mispallel on Wednesday morning, 2 Rosh Chodesh Elul 5773 at 06:30.”

The report cites that Rabbanan Gedolei Yisrael Shlita once again call upon bnos yisrael to come to the Kosel for shachris on rosh chodesh as the Women of the Wall organization steps up its efforts at the holy site.

The vaad overseeing the Rosh Chodesh Elul operation has arranged for transportation from a number of areas in Yerushalayim in the hope of bringing a large tzibur of women to the Kosel. Egged will begin buses to the Kosel at 05:30.

And finally, the rabbonim shlita call on bochrim and young children not to come and for those present to make certain not to “cause a provocation”, warning of turning a potential kiddush Hashem into a chilul Hashem chas v’sholom.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Rosh Chodesh is B’chlal a Big Yom Tov.
    B’zman Habayis, from the time that Y’hoishiya’s passing until 60 years before Chorban Habayis Rishon, the Yidden did not have any Sefer Torah, and therefore could not celebrate any Yomim Tovim like Shvuos, Succos, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur. The only Yom Tov they had was Rosh Chodesh; as we see that Shaul Hamelech made a Seudah.

    Rosh Chodesh was familiar to them because it was something that all the Umos used to celebrate before the world switched to the Solar year.

  2. I suggest each reader of YWN, doven that we Hashem’s divine justice tommorow. The Yeitzer Hora makes lots of noise, and only our tefilla and commitment to learning, mitzvahs, and chessed can keep it quiet.

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