PHOTOS: Swastika & ‘Chardak Get Out’ Graffiti in Bnei Brak


Once again chardakim, chareidim serving in the IDF were targeted with hate graffiti, this time in Bnei Brak. A swastika and “Chardak get out!” were painted on a park bench in a Bnei Brak park on Monday, 29 Menachem Av 5773.

Recent attacks have occurred in Yerushalayim and in a number of cases; soldiers were actually attacked in the Meah Shearim/Beit Yisrael areas.

IDF Chief of Personnel Branch Major-General Orna Barvibai recently sent a directive to officers to become more vigilant to the alarming trend of Orthodox soldiers being attacked by those who oppose military service. The senior officer called on officers to give chizuk to the chareidi soldiers who are undergoing a difficult period.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Photos: Manny Chananya, Chadashot 24)

16 Responses

  1. It’s good the pressure is being kept on traitors from the frum community who c’v join the idf. This pressure surely results in discouraging others from joining.

  2. Amazing! Two comments, no condemnation of these disgusting incidents, just ridiculous rationalizations. Do you people even realize the hatred you cause with this attitude?

    My guess is no. Let it be clear that you have brought the hatred of the rest of the frum world and the secular world on your heads by your own actions…..

    Remember Kamtza and Bar Kamtza!

  3. ifti99 #3… These are irrational, albeit otherwise quite intelligent people who’ve been brainwashed and are full of hate, ” Hasina Mekalkeles Es Hashura.” They’ve been taught a false, obsession-driven meraglim shitah that causes the worst sinas chinam. You notice on these boards that they think and do nothing all day but obsess over Israel. Their whole Torah is based on anti-Zionism. Their filthy cursing and name calling of other Jews means nothing to them.We should pray for them.

  4. #1 and #2****** You’re both very, very disturbed and sick people. Those of you who are just perusing here please be aware that 99.9% of frum and religious people abhor their putrid remarks. Could you imagine? Defending a swastika?

  5. #1 and #2: Well said. I could not have said it better myself.

    Chazak vamatz. Pay no heed to the likes of the other comments. They are a dwindling minority. Their birth rate is getting closer to zero and their children are intermarrying. In the near future they will be relegated with their other Reform colleagues who accept non-Jews into their Reform temples.

  6. #6**** First of all your demographics is a figment of your imagination.Or should I say wishful thinking.
    Second***** When Moshiach comes, you don’t know who stays and who goes. Be very careful what you say.Your big mouth hopefully doesn’t come back to haunt you***** especially since you’re implicitly approving of swastika smearing.You’re words here are automatically written UP THERE also. On second thought, I don’t think you’re a believer anyway.

  7. #3,4,5 make absolutely no sense. Where has #1 lauded this act? All that was said was that it’s probably one of their own who did it to slander charedim. Maybe you should learn to read instead of to hate charedim so much.

  8. ALittleThought… Stop being cute. Learn to read?? #1—-which is YOU slipped in the filthy word. I think you enjoy this game.

  9. No one agrees that graffiti and name calling solves anything.

    The main issue is the lack of rationale from the current government.

    No one in government is listening to the fact that the IDF has to cut 20 billion from their budget.

    The fact that the government seem to be insistent on drafting despite their economic woes, is a clear sign that they are not interested in entering into discussions with the haredim.

    This lack of intelligent discussion between both sides is causing a tipping point, and hatred on both sides. The result is orthodox slander and name calling from the secular Jews, and graffiti and name calling from the Orthodox.

  10. define:
    This isn’t just graffiti. I want badly to assume that this was done by a disturbed individual because I don’t want to believe that a sane, rational person would deface with a swastika.
    This symbol of dark evil didn’t differentiate between chiloni, daati, chassidic, yeshivish, charedi or reform.The person however , if indeed found to be sane, should be taught some lessons in history along with videos to learn and grasp the gravity of his deed.

  11. lbj says:
    August 6, 2013 at 3:25 pm

    keep texting on shabbos, having one and half kids and a dog and youll soon disappear

    they do not scam cheat schoner and ask everybody to pay for their kids. there are not that selfish to ask other to pay

  12. All of you out there who are concerned with ‘defending a swastika?’
    I don’t like the idea either. Not at all.
    But defending enemies of Hashem, who converted big parts of klal Yisroel to shmad, Chazer eating on Yom Kippur eve and the like, is far worse!
    This is not defending the use of a sensitive symbol, It is defending and giving chizuk and admiration to the biggest Jewish traitors in modern history! Admiring an army -NO MATTER WHAT THEY FIGHT OR DO FOR US!!- which has Gillu Arayos permitted and encouraged, where hundreds of Charedi soldiers have become chilonim and where no Jewish soul that participated in Mamad Har Sinai should ever step foot.

    Aren’t people ashamed to bring a comparison to Kamtza ubar kamtza? Do they have the first five of the Ten comandments in their lexicon?
    Do they recognize that Loshon Hora and ‘Sinas Chinam’ are mitzvos! when applied to non observant jews?
    As a conclusion: We have to put Hashem in our front line. Those other sensitive and touchy topics are important when it doesn’t conflict with our belief.

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