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Report: Israel Missed Russian Missiles in Attack of Warehouse in Syria

iafnThe IAF strike against a weapons storage warehouse in Syria was unsuccessful. The recent attack was intended to eliminate that threat, but according to a New York Times report, the Syrians relocated the missiles before the strike.

While official government sources in Jerusalem have not confirmed Israeli strikes in Syria in recent months, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and a number of his most senior cabinet ministers stated Israel will not permit weapons capable of changing the balance of power to fall into Hizbullah hands.

American intelligence experts reviewing the alleged IAF attack feel that the Russian built cruise missiles were not wiped out as hoped and therefore, one may assume another strike is in the works.

Rebel forces on July 5, 2013 reported loud explosions in the Latakia Province leading the international community that the weapons storehouses were targeted by Israel. It is now believed that some of the Yakhont were saved as they were moved before the strike, and these missiles continue posing a threat to Israel as the civil war in Syria rages on. That July 5 attack was believed to have been the fourth Israel Air Force strike in Syria this year.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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