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Rav Ariel: Why Do So Many Yidden Fly Abroad for Vacation?

arielRamat Gan Chief Rabbi Yaakov Ariel Shlita admits that he does not understand why so many Jews feel the need or social pressure to fly abroad.

The rav told Arutz-7 Radio that only recent generations have separated the matter of leaving Eretz Yisrael and traveling abroad from halachic rulings.

The rav chose to begin with addressing shmitah issues. “The Israeli chevra is a frum chevra and a frum chevra is united” he stated. He refers to Shmitah year and the inyan of Shmitas Kesafim and how this is “chevrati”, citing ‘שבת לה’ ויש ‘ואכלו אביוני עמך.

The rabbi is opposed to those wishing to be machmir in their adherence of mitzvos on the backs of others, using shmitah as an example again – those unwilling to eat produce during shmitah year that is not from goyim. He asks if while those people who are taking care of business as they view it are also worrying about the Jewish farmers who do not have a livelihood that year. He refers to farmers who adhere to halacha and are not working their fields during shmitah. He adds many of them are compelled to take loans to make it through the year may we demand that these loans are to be repaid – “this is why we have Shmitas Kesafim” he explains.

Breaking from Shmitah concerns he addresses the growing Israeli trend to travel abroad for vacation. He states there are many halachic concerns, not simply ones, concerns that he explains are far more pressing than any social pressures. He rejects the posit that if one does not vacation abroad one is a “sucker” and the rav is more concerned regarding the livelihood of people in Israel, who lose sums of monies because so many vacation abroad.

“A million people are abroad during the summer months. What is this pressure? They spend thousands and if that money was spent here in Israel many more people could earn a living.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. I love Rabbi Ariel. He is very no-nonsense. His remards on a variety of issues seems to get him in trouble. However, he is one that is not afraid to speak his mind and sometimes go against the flow.

    May Hashem grant him many more good and quality years.

  2. One should say “Baruch ha-Shem” that people are so rich they can travel all over the world. In America, even people of modest means can afford to “go to the country”. We have a “crisis” since young people are so used to affluence that they don’t get married until they have enough parnassah to live respectably.

    I know many people will say that seeing people live well is nothing to boast about, but if we think back to the standard of living of most frum Jews 70 years (that 1943 for those who can’t do the math), we should be joyful to live at a time that rabbanim have to complain about wasteful personal spending.

    Which should be a great intro to a schnorring letter…

  3. Of course we are concerned with their the farmers welfare.
    Ever heard of KEren Hasheviis and the milions and millions of dolars it raises and distributes to those farmers who are Shmittah Observant?

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