Audio: John Catsimatidis Says He Feels Close To The Jewish Community

catsmRepublican mayoral hopeful John Catsimatidis, appearing on the Zev Brenner Show Wednesday night, expressed his great admiration of NYC’s Jewish community. Speaking about his outreach to Jewish voters in the mayoral elections, Mr. Catsimatidis touted his 25+ years of connections with Jewish and Orthodox rabbis, saying he feels close to the Jewish community.

Mr. Catsimatidis is running in the Republican primary for mayor against former MTA chairman Joe Lhota, whom he referred to as “this other one guy”, and DOE founder George McDonald.

Listen to the audio below:

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4 Responses

  1. All I know is that Catsimatidis is running on the Liberal Party line while his opponent Lhota is running on the Conservative Party line.

  2. It is mutual. Given what the other party is offerring he is very attractive and his views are closely aligned with ours.Let us see what evolves but there surely is going to be a spirited race for Mayor. We should cling to those who do not simply pander to one group or another( a la Weiner, and Thompson)but to those whose views are deeply felt And he is one of those few people running who fall into that category

  3. “Mr. Catsimatidis touted his 25+ years of connections with Jewish and Orthodox rabbis, saying he feels close to the Jewish community”

    Oh really? Just like Bl$$mberg, how much from his OWN billions has he given to a single Yeshiva??? Answer: ZERO! All talk!

  4. i read on his wiki page that he was a big democratic donor and was a member of clinton 08 team and was a registered dem untill recently. and a friend of bloomy.
    on the other hand lhota just seems like a typical politician climbing the latter.
    he co-hosted (with bloomy)a fundraiser for joe lieberman’s independent run for senate, you might consider that friendly to jews.

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