PHOTOS: Bein Hazmanim Death Toll Continues to Rise R”L


The bein hazmanim death toll continues to rise r”l as two chareidim were killed on Tuesday, 23 Menachem Av 5773, when a passenger van they were in collided head-on with a truck at Migdal Junction in northern Israel. Magen David Adom reported that 14 people were moderately injured in motor vehicle accidents nationwide on Tuesday.

The van was traveling on Route 90 towards Tiveria when the head-on collision occurred. Police accident investigators late Tuesday night reported that preliminary information indicates the van driver veered into the lane of the truck and not vice versa, but a final determination is yet to be made. The National Traffic Safety Council has ordered an investigation into the fatal collision as well as road and weather conditions were optimum, leaving one wondering what went wrong.

Ichud (United Hatzalah) Tiveria member Aryeh Shavit was among the first on the scene, explaining the invalid van was transporting vacationers. He adds that two people were declared dead on the scene and the injured were transported to Poriah Hospital in Tiveria. At least one of the injured is reported in serious condition.

One of the victims was Rabbi David Solomon, 53, who was active in kiruv work in his home community of Ramat Gan. He was wheelchair bound after contracting polio as a child. He was a leading force in the Ohr Yisrael Keren Wolfson organization. The niftar’s wife and three children were injured.

The second victim was Yehudit Goren, 71, from Elad. She was known as a big baalas chessed in her community. She is survived by four daughters.

The levayas were held on Tuesday afternoon.

In another accident on Highway 6 on Tuesday, 14 people were injured. Three people were injured moderately and light in an accident after midnight in Beersheva. Two bike riders were hit by a bus near Yonah HaNavi Street in Tel Aviv Wednesday morning. A motorcyclist was gravely injured in a Wednesday morning accident on Route 40 near El Al Junction. These are only some of the MVAs involving injuries. Since January 1, 2013 until Wednesday morning 24 Menachem Av, 191 people were killed on the nation’s roads.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Photos: Ichud Hatzalah Spokesman)

7 Responses

  1. I think the HEADLINE is misleading.
    What does Bein Hazimanim have to do with auto accidents? Is this just a sensational headline? Explain please.

    Baruch Dayan Emes.

  2. It has a lot to do with bein Hazmanim, zionflag. The roads are crowded with traffic due to the mass vacationing. Many people are driving who ordinarily do not, or with road conditions they are unfamiliar with. Many Hariedim do not know enough to respect nature and natures dangers, and there are mishaps and tragedies lo aleinu every chol hamoed, lag baomer and bein hazmanim when naieve, careless people are out and about. There also seems to be a hareidi mass neurosis that leads many to just walk into traffic and cross wherever they feel like. It is high risk and brake intensive to drive in hareidi city neighborhoods, and this is magnified now when there are more people home that would otherwise be away at school.

  3. This is a heartbreaking tragedy! Dear YWN Editors: Please do not increase the tragedy by trying to draw in readers with a headline naming the victims as “two CHAREIDIM!” What does that have to do with ANYTHING!? Are we not all one soul and one people? Even in death can we not desist from characterizing people in a way that emphasizes this divisive attitude? I truly hope that for once all of your readership, however diverse, is on board with me here in begging you NEVER to use this kind of terminology, except where it is pertinent to news content, and certainly not in this kind of context. Yesh lanu am echad.

  4. must i keep on repeating over & over again that its time for klal yisroel-myself included-to do teshuvs together?

    Must we continue watching the tzaros get worse & worse R”L UNTIL we start doing teshuva.

    would it shock you if you child cried after being hit for not listening to you (to do his homework or go to sleep etc…)

    this is why it doesn’t shock me-though it used to-when I see the tzaros in klal yisroel just keeps getting worse to worse. i.e. we leave Hashem no choice when wo don’t return to Hashem with teshuva.

    may we all do teshuva together ASAP

  5. I have same question as #1

    And twisted no that makes no sense if anything it’s btr the more people on the road the slower ppl go if noones on the roads then ppl zoom faster!!! And this has nothing todo with bein hazmanim!

  6. The shaychus to bein hazmanim is very pashut. We torah jews believe that limus hatorah protects the world as is mevuar in the end of avos. so bein hazmanim when the learning goes way down than of course we loose tons of protection.

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