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Report: 100s of Chareidi Inductees Sent Home – Lack of Space

idffAccording to a Yated Neeman report, hundreds of chareidi inductees into the IDF have been asked to remain at home for the military does not have space to accommodate them. The report states some of the inductees were told to come back in November.

Yated continues by condemning the military, stating that while the IDF is not prepared to accommodate the influx of chareidim it persists in its tenacious program to rip bnei torah from yeshivos.

For accuracy’s sake YWN-ISRAEL adds that it appears the inductees sent home are among the 550 whose draft was delayed by Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and for one reason or another, the military failed to notify them in advance. In addition, responding to the High Court of Justice on Tuesday, the state explained the draft of hundreds of chareidim was pushed off until November to permit the military to complete preparations as well as to permit Knesset to pass a new draft bill into law. In actuality, their induction may be delayed until December 2013.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Remember, these are (de facto) volunteers who want to be in the army, either out of patriotism or for economic reasons.

  2. So in fact they are NOT “ripping them from Yeshivas and learning” they are forcing them to enlist and report like everyone else and they will be called upon like everyone else when needed for training and service. OH! There’s a big difference.

  3. #2 Where are the facts that these were ‘(de facto)volunteers’?
    Seems like law-abiding citizens following mailed in enlistment forms.

  4. #6– They were under no social or economic pressure to get drafted. It would be quite respectable for them to stay in yeshiva. They chose to be drafted when they had an option.

    Your belief in a legal duty to serve in the IDF ignores that no government can lawfully order you to violate Torah, and our rabbanim have held for some time that learning Torah takes priority over the army. We follow Ha-Shem’s law, and thus there is no legal obligation to serve in the army. These individuals are therefore volunteers.

  5. Sorry akuperma, you dunno how the system in Israel works.

    A young man, citizen of the State of Israel, aged 17 -18 receives his induction papers in the mail and he goes to the Misrad Geius. When he goes there if he is a Yeshiva Student he applies for his petur, deferment while he is learning. These young men didn’t chose to be drafted they went to apply for their your speech about Hashem’s Law or the Law of the country is just talk. This has nothing to do with social or economic pressure.

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