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Chareidim Detained by Police in Mehadrin Bus Incident in Beit Shemesh

egednnAccording to Israel Radio and other media reports, two chareidim were detained by police for questioning, the result of a mehadrin bus incident in Beit Shemesh on Wednesday, 24 Menachem Av 5773.

A chareidi male allegedly instructed a female passenger to be seated in the rear of the bus. The woman was not interested in complying. Other chareidim delayed the bus and police were summoned. When police arrived a female chareidi passenger acted unruly and she and the man who ordered the woman to the rear were taken off the bus – detained for questioning. The bus was then permitted to continue on its route.

Following the incident, police report chareidim are throwing stones at passing buses on Ben-Ish Chai, the location of the first incident as well. Police responded. No injuries were reported. Some of the bus windows were smashed.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

22 Responses

  1. GO FOR IT!!!!

    I suppose the media will then be accused of Charedi incitement and anti-Charedi rhetoric when we are making/causing the news to be broadcast.

  2. seriously messed up. whats worse is that these things get blown up so now im sure that all chareidim are crazy, rock-throwing hooligans.

  3. These taliban thugs are so machmir on sitting in the vicinity of a female on a bus but seem quite mekel when it comes to gezel, and destroying public property. Also let’s not forget: no ones come up with a formula for teshuva for chilul hashem in this world yet so might wanna think about that next time you pick up a bolder on ben ish chai and fire it at a bus.

  4. As usual the media invents lies and figments of their very vivid imagination in manufacturing stories against non-existent “Chareidim”.

  5. NOT Mehadrin bus. Line 417 from Ramat Beit Shemesh ALEF to Jerusalem is the NON-Mehadrin line.

    And the woman not moving WAS ALSO CHAREDI.

    Chilul Hashem!

  6. Thugs masquerading as frum people… Beating , cursing, shaming people b’farhesya… Yes… these are the same primitive Neanderthals with their leadership, who battle Bennett and Lapid ; people who want to bring some sanity into the so-called chareidi leidig’geiyers.

  7. Women have no right getting on a “Mehadrin” bus if they can’t comply with the rules. They will continue having these quarrels until the charedim will be allowed their own buses and getting rid of Egged’s monopoly.

  8. It was NOT a religious bus or a bus with a custom of separate seating! The bus has all of 3 stops as it passes through the religious neighborhood! (417 Jerusalem to Beit Shemesh, Ramat Bet, Ramat Alef)

    And the woman they DEMANDED to move WAS CHAREDI ALSO (tznius with hair covered)!

    Then their friends burned their garbage dumpsters and stoned buses (as if they are arabs), causing TENS OF THOUSANDS in damages and stopping bus service to ALL of Ramat Beit Shemesh (Bet and Alef).

    What a Kiddush Hashem! Their Rebbe should be proud!

  9. Throwing stones? How about attacking with hammers and smashing windows? Evidently that’s what happened. Why is this ok? The 417 line where this occurred isn’t even a Mehadrin line! Who is encouraging this, and why isn’t EVERYONE speaking against it?

  10. I was on the bus # 497 from EGG-HEAD in Bet Shemesh and I can tell you first hand the real story, not the story that someone is imagining on some blogs.

    An American lady (close friend of my aunt Shirley) was sitting in the front part of the bus, a lady asked her if she would move together with her to the back of the bus to make room for the men who are standing, and she replied ” sure, no problem” the man who took her seat said: “thanks so much for giving up your seat for me” and the driver over heard it.

    He then pulled over and summoned the POLICE they where there in a few minutes, they questioned the women and she said “I did not mind giving up my seat for this man” UH HU that was enough for the police to arrest the men, for no real good reason.

    Don’t believe everything you read on the news………

  11. there is no such thing as mehadrin anymore, and until these idiots can learn that, and can learn basic decency and common sense there will be no peace anywhere, there are idiots everywhere you go, just because they are dressed as frum, if they do not act from it does not make them frum. looks can be deceiving. kol hakovod to this woman and all other woman. personally as a guy i enjoy the back of the bus, i have had women start up with me i just give them blank looks, at least they wont touch me.

  12. Wow, Chesssed #11, Thank You SO MUCH for sharing the true first-hand witness story of what really happened!

    I always knew the Israeli police and media LOVE inciting hatred against Frum Jews by inventing lies, making false arrests, and reporting untrue stories.

  13. bogen, i have no idea what happened on the original bus that ‘sparked’ the incident..

    but I WAS on one of the 3 buses that was attacked following this incident..and wish the israeli police would have been to make more arrests. (why on earth would u want these crazies to get away with it?, you should be begging the police to arrest them all and stop giving the rest of haredi society a bad name)

    what happened was that the bus driver pulled up at a stop in RBS-B, 2 “haredi” men then blocked the front of the bus while 1 “haredi” man took out a hammer and systematically started smashing each window, while another partner in crime kept a lookout..even after the window was starting to crack and everyone was screaming for him to stop (90% of the people on the bus at that point were ‘normal’ haredi including many women and children btw), he still continued until some of the windows started shattering sending glass shards everywhere.

    the media did get one thing wrong. there was at least one injury, a haredi man sitting beside me was hit by a glass shard just below his eye.

    unfortunately l/term solution for this is years away (as these crazies are mamash indoctrinated, you should have seen the look in this robot’s eyes) but in the meantime i propose one or more of the following:

    1. no more accordion buses during the summer (if this would have been a normal intercity bus it would have been much harder to attack)
    2. direct buses from rbs-a to yerushalayim using the new road. people in rbs-b can organize their own separate buses with private companies and leave the rest of society alone.
    3. pay for bullet and rock-proof buses using arnona money from rbs-b.
    4. police escort with every bus going through rbs-b. if a crazy person is attacking innocent people with a hammer, a policeman should have the right to shoot them in the leg until they stop (why should they be treated any differently than arabs attacking buses in east jerusalem chas vesholom?) would also make it easier to identify the crazies.

    ironic that im moving to rbs-a next week, and over the past few months i have been defending rbs people saying that the crazies are a tiny minority! when will the Gedolim finally speak out and stop this chillul hashem!

  14. I have no clue what actually happened on the bus but I do know that the non-mehadrin line, egged bus #417 DOES NOT travel on Ben Ish Chai street. So either the location here is incorrect or it was not the non-mehadrin line, as response #5/#9 suggests.

    Perhaps it was on the mehadrin line, bus #418 or perhaps it was not on Ben Ish Chai street.

  15. Police and bus driver inciting to riot. Egged drivers except for the new ones should have been put out to pasture a long long time ago. They have no respect for anybody

  16. To “Jew Yorker” and “someemesplease”– You basically stole my thunder (the only kind of stealing that is ok :)). Perfect and valid points and also great theoretical suggestions by someemesplease. Also, as I once suggested, add to the penalties that when the the deeds are traced to the perps, the entire Yeshiva that they so-called attend loses a year of govt funding! We will soon see better restraint as imposed from the now nervous and formerly laissez-faire Yeshiva admin’s. I would only like to add that this whole article should not have been posted until better checking was done. Obviously, the real facts were accessed easily enough, as provided by a number of people who were actually there or their relatives were there. Poor journalistic practices by a news organization is not a great thing. Especially noticeable was the reference to the man’s “alleged” misdeed, while when the woman is described as acting unruly, there is no “alleged.” Shame.

  17. Chesssed-either there’s a mistake in your writing or something’s wrong with your story because it’s bus 417, not 497.
    If I remember correctly, there are no Mehadrin buses anymore, (as a result of the incident that happened
    last year), so why is the news report Mehadrin bus?

  18. @jbaldy22
    You will take the word of known anti-religious “journalists” from rags like Haaretz that came after the fact and came with an anti-frum agenda over the comment from an eyewitness who was on the bus and reported on a frum website what he personally saw happen? For shame.

    Even YNet, another paper known for its anti-religious bias, admitted in its report that:

    1) that the woman who was arrested for asking the passenger to change seats “calmly asked a female passenger on the bus they were riding to sit in the back of the bus and that the passenger immediately obliged… It was much ado about nothing, really… it’s the 497 bus route which is ‘kosher’ and 99% of its passengers are haredi. A religious American woman was sitting in the front seat, so my wife quietly explained to her that it is customary for women to sit in the back of the bus and offered to help her. The woman said right away, ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t know,’ and she had her children promptly moved to the rear. Moshe said that the bus driver then inexplicably started to make rude comment at him and his wife. He stopped the bus, called the police, and wouldn’t keep driving until he saw us handcuffed.” (Quote from Ynet)

    2) “The Beit Shemesh resident said it was the driver who instigated matters when he called police and would not continue the route until the haredi couple was cuffed and arrested… Rachel Rosenfeld, the passenger who was asked to move, also said that the arrest was unnecessary. Rosenfeld, the moved passenger, is a religious resident of Beit Shemesh. She told Ynet that, as she has only recently moved to Israel, she didn’t know the nature of the haredi bus route, which goes from Beit Shemesh to Bnei Brak, and so sat with her children at the front of the bus. “A woman came up to me and told me the bus was ‘kosher,'” Rosenfeld said, “and I told her I didn’t know what that meant. She said it’s customary for women to sit in the back of the bus, and I told her I had no problem with that, only that it’d be difficult to move with the kids and my bag. She offered to help me and we moved to the back. Right then the driver got mad and said he would call the police… After two stops, police came and arrested the couple. After they were arrested, the police officer came up to me and asked me what had happened. I told him they were making a big deal out of nothing and the couple was kind to me.” (Quote from Ynet)

  19. yitzchoky & bentorah;
    no matter what happened or did happen on the 497 bus; u have totally ignored what subsequently happened after that!

    a bus i was on, a 417, was then attacked by ‘haredi’ terrorists – not with rocks lobbed from a distance against a bus (where in someone’s warped brain they could pretend it was simply an object and not being full of people), but deliberately and methodically with hammers, shattering windows of a bus full of terrified haredi men, women and children!
    i was cm’s away from one of the terrorists and he mamash had murder in his eyes.
    b’chasdei hashem there was only minor injuries on the bus that i was on, but it was a miracle no one was seriously hurt (someone next to me had a glass shard fly into his cheek, just below his eye).

    and what hutzpa to call egged bus drivers inciters?? they are simply doing their job and trying to protect their passengers from crazy lunatics.

    i wonder what u would have done if u had been the egged driver on our bus? would u have:
    1. ran over the terrorist blocking the bus (who was allowing his friend to smash the windows on the side of the bus)
    2. kept a cool head, slowly moving the bus away from the terrorists (without hitting them) and calling the police.
    3. stopped the bus, asked the terrorist for the hammer, and helped him shatter more windows and injure innocent normal frum jews

    (if you were wondering, the not-frum-yet bus driver, who was calm and professional before, during and after the attack, picked no 2.)

  20. someemesplease: The incidents that occurred after the Israeli Police falsely arrested an innocent Chareidi woman for nicely asking another woman to move to the back with her, and the other woman happily agreeing to do so, was a result of the correct anger Chareidim had over such a false arrest — something that is all too common against Chareidim by the Israel Police with the Israeli media happily lying in its reports.

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