WikiLeaker Manning ‘Not Guilty’ of Aiding Enemy

ywbn1A military court today found Pfc. Bradley Manning, accused of the largest leak of classified information in U.S. history, not guilty of aiding the enemy. The verdict from the judge overseeing Manning’s court-martial means he dodged a life sentence. He has already pleaded guilty to nearly a dozen lesser charges that could carry a sentence of up to 20 years behind bars.

Authorities accused Manning of delivering three-quarters of 1 million pages of classified documents and videos to the secret-sharing site WikiLeaks — which has never confirmed the soldier was the source of its information. The material covered aspects of U.S. military strategy in Iraq, gave what some called a ground view of events in the Afghanistan war and revealed the inner workings of U.S. State Department diplomacy in leaked cables.

In a statement to the court this year, Manning said that the information he passed on “upset” or “disturbed” him but he didn’t thi nk any of it would harm the United States if it became public. He said he thought the documents were old and the situations in them had changed or ended.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. “Again we see that even in America, one set of rules for Bradley Manning and one set for the Jew Rubashkin.”

    I unfortunately read the sentencing report on Rubashkin. He was found to have been running an organized criminal enterprise for decades. He earned every bit of his 27 year sentence.

    Manning will probably end up spending the rest of his life in solitary confinement, as his sentences can run consecutively and they will not permit him to ever see anyone unescorted so that he won’t leak anything else.

  2. “Again we see that even in America, one set of rules for Bradley Manning and one set for the Jew Rubashkin.”

    I unfortunately read the sentencing report on Rubashkin. He was found to have been running an organized criminal enterprise for decades. He earned every bit of his 27 year sentence. It was truly a chilul HaShem.

    Manning will probably end up spending the rest of his life in solitary confinement, as his multiple 20 year sentences can run consecutively and they will not permit him to ever see anyone unescorted so that he won’t leak anything else.

  3. cherrybim, youre finaly getting the message.
    America make Israel release hundreds of prisoners, lots of whom have blood on their hands but they themselves (America) cant even let out one prisoner
    Welcome to our crazy world!!!

  4. I don’t think Rubashkin is a comparable case, but Pollard certainly is! Manning passes on info which anyone in the world, friend or foe, can access he is “not guilty”. Pollard passed along info to Israel, a US ally, & he is spending his life in prison, even though he admitted guilt only with a plea deal – wh the govt did not honor. Justice done?

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