“He Stood Alone!” – How Rav Meir Shapiro Zt’ Changed Jewish History

Some of us may have a romanticized impression of prewar Europe, but the reality was a lot more complicated. For the most part, the continuity of Torah was under grave threat. Many Jewish youth saw Torah learning and values as being difficult and impoverishing. They were thus drawn to the fresh glitzy movements of communism and Zionism.

A young Rav in Lublin, Poland, had a keen grip on what was going on – and what to do to effectively correct the trajectory. Rav Meir Shapiro was determined to strengthen the bond between yidden and the Torah and, even more so, to make Torah glorious in their eyes. His Yeshiva, Chachmei Lublin, pioneered the notion that talmidim should learn in a comfortable setting and with adequate food. He also introduced the concept of Daf Yomi at the Knessiah Gedolah of Agudath Israel in Vienna, in 1923 – when he was 36 years old.

Rav Shapiro would tragically be niftar on 7 Cheshvan 5694 (1933) at age 46, and the annihilation of European Jewry began some six years later. Still, the historic success of Daf Yomi today and the continued renaissance of Yeshivos worldwide can be directly attributed to Rav Shapiro’s vision and determination.

When over 350,000 yidden worldwide will iy”H celebrate The Global Siyum HaShas of Daf Yomi in less than two months, this unprecedented kiddush Hashem will stand as a tribute to Rav Meir Shapiro that even he could never have envisioned.

With many sections already sold out, and the demand for tickets at unprecedented highs, you cannot wait another minute to reserve your seats at The Siyum. This once in a decade event will create a lifetime of memories and inspiration for you, your children, your wife and entire family. Click HERE now to secure your seats today.

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