400 Inductees Heading to Nachal Chareidi on Thursday

idffnIn what is the largest single induction into Nachal Chareidi, 400 new recruits will be arriving at the Bakum induction base on Thursday, 25 Menachem Av 5773. A total of 2,000 inductees viewed by the IDF as chareidim will have entered the IDF by the end of 2013, military officials report. This number represents a 30% increase as compared to 2012 when 1,450 chareidim were inducted.

In addition to the 400 inductees slated to become combat soldiers, an additional 15 chareidim will be reporting for induction to join the Atuda program to study engineering and electro optics.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. 1) Nachal Chareidi is comprised of 80%+ of Daati (non-Chareidi) soldiers.

    2) The few soldiers in Nachal Chareidi that are actually Chareidi are from the fringes of Chareidi society having fallen out with nowhere else to go.

    3) In Chareidi society joining the Israeli Army is considered a form of treason.

  2. It’s a GEZEIRAS SHMAD! And who knows if and when those who push for it, will eventually wake up, seeing the downfall of their generations, But it might unfortunately be too late! HASHEM YERACHEM

  3. These bochurim with the courage to serve and risk their lives to defend their families and the medinah are the real giborei yisroel compared to those selfish yungerleit who sit behind a shtender and insist that others assume the burden of national defense and service. May hashem protect them and bring them home safely to their families and may they have much hatzlacha in their lives.

  4. UJM: Much of that has changed!
    A segment of Nachal Charedi are Charedi American Olim, Charedi Chutzniks and those that are not learning full-time. The scenery of the brigade is not what it was in the past. & many Chardal youth.

  5. 1. Many of them are not hareidim, but are religious zionists with higher halachic standards than what is the norm in dati leumi circles.

    2. The “war” doesn’t begin until and unless the government starts rounding up people for refusing to serve in the army. At that point, most hareidim (not just a few who are “jumping the gun”) will regard anyone serving in the army as a collaborator with an evil regime – and at that point the hareidim community will expect hareidi soldiers to resign (i.e. mutiny or desert).

    3. However that point probably won’t come since it would be suicidal for the the nationalists including the Dati Leumi, to turn the Hareidim into enemies who would then ally with their (the nationalists) enemies. More likely they will abolish conscription or come up with some sort of conscientious objection.

    4. While “push coming to shove” would lead to a violent confrontation, leading perhaps to the destruction of the hareidi community, the medinah, or both — compromise is the more likely income. Most hareidi really don’t want to be Palestinian Jews, and most zionists realize the problems if they force the hareidim to start appealing for help from international human rights groups or from the Arabs. And of course, the people who run the army don’t want to conscript soldiers they can’t rely on, and probably prefer a modern professional army rather than one based on the now obsolete conscript armies of the 19th and 20th centuries.

  6. great, the more charadim that join the army, the better the army will be, the better the state will be and the better off for the charadim who will later try to enter the discriminatory Israeli work force that hates charadim.

  7. #5 ujm is right. Most of Nachal Charedi, including the new recruits, are Daati Leumi and only a small percentage are from the fringes of charedim, including the American olim and other chutznik. They’re not the charedim that the Lava”n Government are trying to ensnare.

  8. ujm & akuperma, you have no clue.
    Nachal Chareidi does not easily accept Dati Leumi. Most of them (and I’ve had a son there and been at some of their events) are from Chareidi families.

  9. “Most hareidi really don’t want to be Palestinian Jews” –

    FINALLY WORDS OF TRUTH……(forget the word REALLY)

  10. I think a number of things will start changing in the Chareidi community. 1. The age of marriage will come down to about 16. By the time they reach 21, they will be fathers of two or three children. This will further increase the size of the Chareidi community, with average family size ticking up slightly and generations span fewer years.
    Adjustments will be made to accommodate the non-religious in Israel and protect their rights as they become a minority. This will take off some of the pressure and make sure that there won’t be a perpetual conflict between religious and non-religious. The bayit hayehudi will break into parts when the chardal will realize thAt they have little in common with the secular srugim. A working chareidi class will lead and show the way that it is possible to live a religious Jewish life and have a nation and army that follows torah, and halacha.

  11. “A working chareidi class will lead and show the way that it is possible to live a religious Jewish life and have a nation and army that follows torah, and halacha”

    This has started with the TOV PARTY in Bet Shemesh and plans are beginning to increase its power and prestige – especially with the large influx of American Charedi olim. Did you notice the group that just arrived from Nefesh Bnefesh?

  12. I once heard a chareidi american rebbe say that a frum learning soldier is heads above a frum learning bochur.
    He might not say this in public but he did in private
    So all the best to the young men that will wear their tzitzes out of their uniforms and carry a gun and a gemora.
    Some of us are proud of you.

  13. I once heard a daati Israel rabbi say that a frum full-time learning bochur is heads above a frum learning soldier. He might not say this in public but he did in private So all the best to the young men that will wear their tzitzes out in beis medrash, learn full-time, and carry a gemora. Some of us are proud of you.

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