As Prudential Center Fills Up Dirshu Secures NJ PAC As Additional Location For World Siyum

The Dirshu World Siyum is making waves throughout the Torah world. Dirshu will be having siyumim throughout the world with massive, stadium-sized gatherings in Eretz Yisrael, England and France, as well as smaller, gala siyumim in numerous other communities throughout the world.

Nevertheless, perhaps the largest manifestation of kiddush Hashem, where Dirshu learners will be recognized for their accomplishments by the entire cross-section of Torah observant Jewry will be at the Dirshu World Siyum in America slated to be held at the massive Prudential Center in Newark, NJ, on Sunday 14 Shevat/February 9.

The response from the wider community has been absolutely overwhelming. Several large sections in the Prudential Center have already been sold out. Dirshu wants every man, woman and child in Klal Yisrael who wishes to partake in the colossal kiddush Hashem of the World Siyum to be able to participate.

Towards that end they felt compelled to secure another large location, the New Jersey Performing Arts Center known as NJ PAC, to open many thousands of new seats so that Klal Yisrael can join with lomdei Dirshu in celebrating not only the completion of Shas but the completion of Shas with the accountability that comes with taking regular tests.

Gedolei Yisrael representing the many shevatim of Klal Yisrael are slated to participate and be present at both locations. In addition, the siyum will be graced by Gedolim from outside the United States who will be journeying to America to participate and address the World Siyum.

From the rafters of the Prudential Center to the stage of NJPAC, the untold hours of ameilus b’Torah that has brought us to unprecedented kavod haTorah and kiddush Hashem will be celebrated at the Word Siyum.

As seats are selling extremely fast it is important that you reserve your seat immediately by calling 347-85-SIYUM (857-4986).

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