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Otzma Yisrael Party: It’s Not too Late to Save Eretz Yisrael

marzelAfter the cabinet approved the release of 104 terrorists from prison, Otzma Yehudi’s Dr. Michael Ben-Ari, attorney Itamar Ben-Givir and Baruch Marzel sent an open letter to the Bayit Yehudi party. They explain to the dati leumi party that while they lost the cabinet vote, if their objection to the release of terrorists is genuine, then it is not too late to stop this from occurring by voting against the state budget.

The Otzma Yehudi party MKs point out that since they did not succeed in entering Knesset, Bayit Yehudi is responsible for watching over the house. He warns the terrorist release is only one step and that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is now entering into talks with the PA that may chas v’sholom result in Israel pulling back to the pre-1967 boundaries.

They explain that the prime minister imposed another building freeze as if it was a Heavenly decree. Then, suddenly, when he needs to have the release of terrorists approved, he magically lifts the heavenly decree and approves1,000 housing units in Yehuda and Shomron, when it suits him. They point out that Betar Illit and Modi’in Illit alone require more than 1,000 housing units to accommodate what is referred to as “natural growth”, not to mention the nation awaits the fulfillment of the prime minister’s promise to begin building in E1.

The letter continues detailing how these talks that are getting underway will be plagued with Israeli concessions and Bayit Yehudi has the ability to pull the plug by voting against the state budget.

Likud MK Moshe Feiglin announced he will be voting against the state budget in protest against the planned release of terrorists. He calls on Bayit Yehudi to follow his lead.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. 104 terrorists were approved for release only to get another rocket fired into Israel this morning.

    Wait and see, the 1000 housing units that were approved will be halted before they even start as in the past. Netanyahu cannot be trusted.

    Don’t hold your breath, Bennett will not vote against the budget as it might lose him his chair and he also would not want to disappoint his ally.

  2. Given that it was the Religious Zionists who initiated the war against the Hareidim, it is probably too late for the Land of Israel movement. Not only did they unleash a long term anti-Torah movement, but the only probable aliance against the hiloni/dati leumi onslaught will involve trading a willingness to support the left on foreign affairs in return for autonomy.

  3. #3 Problem with your thinking is; are the Charedim ready to sell out their people in Beitar, Nvei Yakov, Ramat Shlomo, etc. etc. to align with the leftist peace mongers who will then expellee all their voters from their homes?

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