Op-Ed: Jewish Anti-Semitism


The gemora (Pesachim 49b) cites Rebbi Akiva who says that when he was an am haaretz, he would yearn that someone would bring him a talmid chochom so that he could bite him like a donkey. The gemora continues to say that the hatred of an am haaretz to a talmid chochom is greater than that of the nations to the Jews. Even greater than this is the hatred of someone who once learned, and then separated from it. These are fascinating statements. I would have thought that the anti-Semitism displayed by the nations is the biggest hatred, yet it seems even more so is that which we find on our own doorstep. How can we understand this gemora? Does is have any relevance to us in today’s day and age?

Let us work backwards. People who once learned and then separated from it, what is the root of their hatred? History bears witness; there were people in renowned centres of Torah, who were even great masmidim. Then something happened. Usually it is something to do with kina, tayva, kavod or all three. Or some other hashkafic flaw, or a wrong midda, which was never exorcised, it lay dormant and it was just a matter of time before the results became clear for all to see. Some of these people then played into the hands of the enemy, and became enemies themselves, rodfim to Torah Jews. The Gemora in Shabbos (88b) explained by Chazal says that when Torah is learnt the right way, it is a life giving potion. When it is learnt the wrong way, with the wrong middos, then it is a non-life giving potion, the Torah itself makes one worse. This is Rav Chaim Shmulevits explanation as to how Elifaz came about, he was raised partly by Yitzchak, but his father and main influence was Esav. From this combination came about Elifaz, and ultimately Amalek. Amalek couldn’t have been produced by regular evil, the good from Yitzchak made the bad from Esav even worse. This is what happens when light and darkness mix. (for more see the Sichos Mussar)

Let us understand why there is this hatred from one group to the next. The main point is to do with how much ones conscious is disturbed by the next group. The non-Jew knows deep down that the Jew is right. Therefore to sooth his conscious he has to hate and oppress the Jew. The am haaretz however, is closer to the real thing, he is already Jewish, just that he knows his limitations. Therefore when he sees someone practising more than he, he has to go for them, in a pathetic attempt to make himself feel better. The problem is that such a conscience can never really be put at ease, he twists and turns to sooth his conscience, but it doesn’t work. The only thing he can do is go on and on about how bad the one who practises more is, to show that he really isn’t so bad. Finally, the one who learned and separated, he really knows the truth, and has rejected it, therefore he is the epitome of one who can only make himself feel better by going for the one who practises more.

Let us focus on how the am haaretz hates the talmid chochom. No, I’m not going to say all chareidim are talmidei chachamim, and I’m not going to say everyone else is an am haaretz. But lets generalize somewhat and call it the strict Torah camp and the less religious camp. The non-religious come along with claims, Chareidim are violent, chareidim don’t pay taxes and chareidim don’t work. Let us examine these claims, are they true or are they conscience soothing.

An Israeli I know recently went to chutz laaretz and ranted and raved telling his relatives how terrible the situation is in Israel, things are getting worse, the Chareidim ‘attack’ Jewish soldiers. That is called an ‘attack’. How does a newspaper decide what to print? To be newsworthy it must be either an article of international interest, or something unusual, against normal behaviour, otherwise it’s not news. Therefore why are chareidim sometimes in the news for certain thing? Because it shows that these are the exceptions, and not the norm. Yet it makes the less practising feel good, they can temporarily sooth their conscience and say, ‘you see the Chareidim aren’t so good after all, and my lifestyle is fine.’ Now, granted that we are not living in the Messianic era, our camp is not heaven on earth and is not perfect, there may be some who give the rest a bad name, but if one looks at the whole picture, to describe Chareidim as violent, militant etc, is it not a distortion. On the contrary, this is a secular ‘attack’ on Chareidim, the smearing of an entire sector of society. Lapid goes on and on about how the Chareidi media is attacking him. However, when he attacks on a daily basis everyone is fine with that. The first halacha in hilchos anti-Semitism is that a Jew may not defend himself. This is what the Goldstone report told us, and the UN are constantly telling us. However, in inter-Jewish anti-Semitism, the first law is that the more practising is not allowed to defend himself against the less practising. When he does defend it will be called attack, disproportionate etc. Either way he can’t win.

Let us discuss the claim that Chareidim don’t work, and don’t pay taxes. This is an old claim that first appeared in Megillas Esther, and reared its head throughout generations, especially in Berlin 80 odd years ago. So is it true or not? Tthe reality on the ground is that most chareidi families are involved in employment one way or the other. However, as was mentioned in the previous article, the whole system here is designed to keep Chareidim out of the regular workforce. Yet if a portion of what is broadly defined as the chareidi sector want to learn Torah, that’s too much. They will say no one works. Now, let’s consider another aspect. No secular taxi driver has ever charged a fare and not put it on the meter. No secular workman ever did a job and didn’t give an official receipt. In a discussion with a secular friend, he even told me that no one he knows declares income from rentals on their official forms. Another aspect is that one can earn 7000 nis a month exempt from tax. Therefore if your business is small they may not even incur liability. I’m not going to claim two wrongs make a right, but why do the secular declare the moral high ground in this area, when it is well known that the size of the black economy in Israel is not a chareidi issue, but a national issue. One gets the feeling it maybe a case of, as Chazal say, that which you claim against others, is that which you are guilty of yourself.


Aaron Yechezkel is an Avreich in a Jerusalem Kollel. 


NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.




13 Responses

  1. The article is fine until the end where the writer says 2 wrongs don’t make a right. The problem is that one group holds themselves up to a very high standard – that they are the defenders of Torah, and although we all trip up – thats what Yom Kippur is all about, the Chareidim are and should be held to a higher standard because of the pedestal in which they view themselves and are viewed by others. So when a chiloni or a goy steals we say what do you expect, but when a Chareidi steals its much worse.

  2. Did I learn from this post that it is OK to participate in the Black Employment Market since every1 does it?!?!

  3. The attack would have been news no matter what community it happened in. However I question the story all together. How is it that 1 soldier escapes 100s of chareidi men who were allegedly trying to “attack” him? With soldiers that good Israel doesn’t need a draft.

  4. What about all the Chareidim who hate non chareidim? What about the inflamitory rhetoric in the Chareidi media against the real and perceived secular and less religious. Unfortunately the hatred and negative attitude go both ways. Pick up any chareidi media and read for yourself.

  5. #5 no , you learned that dina d’malchusa dina according to many major poskim does not apply in israel. according to these poskim certain taxes you have to pay and certain ones you don’t. i know your thinking it’s not fair why should they get an exemption just because of their relligious beliefs. well no -one asked them to come in to an already existing yishuv and takeover, and then impose crazy taxes so that they can create nucear bombs which they’ll never use anyway. and definitely there is no chiyuv for a struggling kollel family to fund prison food for arab terrorists.

  6. “…so that he could bite him like a donkey…”

    The Meforshim explain that Billom hit is donkey three times but Reb Akiba before he became a Talmud used to bite the donkeys. But today we don’t see that.

  7. Mr. Yechezkel, many of the assumptions in your article are false.

    You say, “why are chareidim sometimes in the news for certain thing? Because it shows that these are the exceptions, and not the norm.” This is not true. The news prints mostly what people want to read. The fact is that there are many times when chareidim attack police, and it’s not the exception! Many Rabbonim even encouraged some of these violent protests!

    You mentioned the pshat with Elifaz, and how Yitzchak’s influence on him caused him to end up worse. Yet Yitzchak tried to influence him for the good, even though the result could have ended up worse! You say this pshat explains chilonim. Yet the chareidim in Israel never do anything to try and reach out to the chilonim and show them the beauty of a religious life. Instad, i’s just throwing rocks when they don’t keep Shabbos, throwing bleach when the women don’t dress according to chumros, and lighting garbage cans on fire when they get upset! How can you expect he people to see the beauty of being frum when this is what they are shown?

    Elifaz was Yitzchak’s grandson. That wasn’t enough – Yitzchak tried to influence him. Try influencing chilonim properly, instead of looking down and them and letting them know you look down on them!

  8. #10 Or pay taxes towards free medical clinics, fire and police services and IDF soldiers who are shomrim by mekomos kedoshim.

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