Rav Nagari Has a Message for Bennett & the Dati Leumi Tzibur

nagRabbi Mordechai Nagari Shlita is the long-time Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Maale Adumim. The rav, a noted talmid chacham was a close talmid to former Rishon L’Tzion HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu ZT”L ZY”A.

Rav Nagari spoke with Arutz-7 to give his insight into the dati leumi tzibur’s loss in the recent election for Chief Rabbis of Israel. The rav explained that the moment the tzibur went against the word of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita and HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita it was clear the race was a lost cause. He explained that once the Gedolei Torah ruled, there was no disputing who would emerge the winners. He warns against the dati leumi camp going against the chareidim.

He is quoted saying “unfortunately, the terrible stupidity of the religious Zionist movement which this week supported the draft law” that will result in compelling bnei yeshivos to leave the beis medrash to serve in the IDF. “It created a war here of the general public against Gedolei Yisrael” explains Rav Nagari.

The rabbi gives other examples, pointing out that when the tzibur went against the chareidi community, as in 2005, the result was the expulsion of Jews from Gaza. He adds that even today, there is the EU boycott of items produced in Yehuda and Shomron, and yet no one learns. The rabbi advises Naftali Bennett to be less concerned with his National Referendum Bill to save Eretz Yisrael and to concentrate more on not compelling bnei yeshivos into the army, harming yeshivos and fighting the chareidim. The rabbi explains “protecting Torah will protect us,” in his words to Bayit Yehudi leader Bennett.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. Rabbi Nagari shlit”a is a Daati Leumi Chief Rabbi of Maaleh Adumim. Had the Religious Zionists/DL selected him as chief Rabbi, there might have been a better chance that he would have been elected. But they insisted on a rabbi who would reform Jewish laws and refused a Torah Rabbi like Rabbi Nagari so now they’re seething with rage and can’t get to themselves.

  2. Compromising on Torah? Lets see now:
    1. Its ASSUR to take welfare from the American govt. See Sanhedrin. Its assur to be Haredi, money launder, have a best seller written about you and create a Chillul Hashem
    2. Its ASSUR to smoke and desecrate the body that Hashem gave you
    3. Its ASSUR not to hand over a child molester
    4. It’s ASSUR to eat meat which is a product of torturing animals
    5. Its ASSUR not to put people in Cherem who support people that call for the distruction of Israel
    6.Its Assur to violate your Ketuba and not support your wife
    7. Its Assur not to teach your child a trade. (There is only one in a thousand chance that your kid is a Talmid Chucham according to the Gemara

  3. In 2005 it was the Haredi party- UTJ that was in the evil coalition that took part in that evil decree. Also It was Shas who was in the coalition with Meretz who produced OSLO. Get the facts straight.

  4. The Rav spoke well. It’s hard to believe that the long term prospects of this party will be anything but disastrous with a platform that is anti-torani. Ultimately, the anti-torani community will move to Yesh-Atid, and the Torani Tekumah faction will split off and run independently, or perhaps with as a confederation with the Yahdut Hatorah parties of Agudah, Degel and Shas.

  5. In 2010, the Shas party, which represents an overwhelming majority of Sephardic Haredim, became the first Haredi political party to join the World Zionist Organization.

    I belive that Rav Ovadiah Yossef paskins that on Yom Haatzmaut, we say Hallel without a Bracha. His son is/was a Rabbi in the Israeli army.

    I respectfully dont understand were Rav Nagari and Rabbi Cohen are comming from and who they represent in the Sephardic community

  6. The Prime mourning of tish’a b’av is for Bayis Rishon.

    That’s what Eichah and the majority of Kinot are describe about.

    First we must lament too much tolerance of those who sin,(which paradoxically it goes) hand in hand with Sinas Chinam

  7. #4

    You and hundreds of willfuly chosen to be misguided GET THE FACTS STRAIGHT

    Regarding Gaza :Study the WHOLE period(hundreds of articles) starting two decades prior

    (‘Ariel Sharon formed the 30th government on 28 February 2003. His coalition initially included just Shinui and the National Union (Israel BaAliya had merged into Likud soon after the election), though the National Religious Party joined the government on 3 March.’)

    (Shas does bear the guilt for Oslo,for which they were roundly condemned

  8. # 4

    It is very sad that you besmirch a whole community of Charedim who do so much good -and instead focus on the misdeeds of a few individuals . How about focusing on all the good that comes out of that community – I.E. all the Torah that is learned with much mesiras nefesh, all the gemachs and Tzedoko organizations.

    As for not teaching a trade to their children – I do not know the reasoning – but I do know that this is done as per the instructions of the Gedole Torah of the previous and current generation (Chazon Ish, Steipler, Rav Schach, Rav Moshe Feinstein)

  9. #4
    Shall we start with ,eh,Gaza in the ’80’s..

    Who was telling over and over :Stay out of Gaza ,it is bound to end in tragedy?

    Oh ,Your crowd just mocked,belittled,ridiculed,patted yourselves on the back..

  10. cobycom1 —

    Saying what such and such rabbi said before this year, would be like quoting a German rabbi’s statements made under the Second Reich or Weimar (when Germans Jews were patriotic Germans), but reading that quote during or after the Third Reich (when German Jews were enemies of society, if they were still alive).
    The worlds changed, even if some people are slow to understand the new order.

    Pro-zionist Hareidim (basically, all except the Eidah Hareidis) were in love with the medinah and its benefits, and were proud to be Israelis, and encourage anyone not learning full time to serve, and then the zionists stabbed them in the back. I suspect that unless things get reversed, those who said Hallel on Israeli Independene Day with be saying slichos, and those who flew the Israeli flag may be flying a non-Israeli flag.

    You religious zionist are a lot like many German Jews who initially thought the anti-semitism was directed against the “Ost Juden”, those weird Jews who talked funny, dressed funny and had un-German ideas about religion, and only too late did you realize that Hitler was against all Jews. You think Lapid is only against Hareidim, but it is all Torah and all Mitsvos he is against, and you will soon rue the day you enabled him to start his un-holy war against the bnei Torah.

  11. At the risk of being called a kofer by the anti-israel posters, to say that “protecting torah will protect us” is close to kefirah itself. “Ein, somchim al hanes”. I daresy Rav nagari goes to doctors, I daresay Rav nagari puts on a seat belt when he is in a car or plane, I guess RaV Nagari doesn’t advocate dismantling the army…so, why does he keep on repeating a mantra that makes no sense?

  12. “when the tzibur went against the chareidi community, as in 2005, the result was the expulsion of Jews from Gaza.”


  13. #6
    Rav Nagari is a Religious Zionist and talmid of Rav Eliyahu zt”l. He is showing his displeasure in how the Torah World and talmidim are being abused by BY,,,,saying the truth while holding true to Eretz Yisroel Hasheleim and sovereignty of EY.

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