IDF Chief of Personnel Calls to Give Chareidi Soldiers Chizuk

idffIDF Chief of Personnel Branch Major-General Orna Barvibai has sent a letter to officers calling upon them to give additional support and chizuk to chareidi soldiers. The senior commander informs officers that any such cases in which chareidi soldiers are attacked must be registered with military and civil authorities.

Barvibai cites the alarming recent trend in which these soldiers are under attack and shunned, instructing officers to exhibit understanding for their plight and the special circumstances that surround their service in the military.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. The soldier who was attacked was not charedi. He was, at best, from Nachal Charedi which is only charedi by name. The other soldier was secular posing as charedi.

    Since the evil decree from ממשלת לבן (Lapid/Bennett/Netanyahu) for their own safety they should keep away from charedi neighborhoods with their tamei uniform as Gedolei Yisrael have requested from them.

  2. There is no such thing as a Chareidy soldiers if they are in the IDF they can’t be Chareidy.

    The best and proven way to protect Eretz Yisroel is by learning Torah.

  3. What special circumstances? Since when is cavorting with the enemy [of Torah and mitzvos Hashem] deserving of anything but utter contempt?

  4. When the army starts mass arrests, those hareidim in the army become very important. If they desert/mutiny it will serious undermine the IDF, which has never had such before. IF they stay loyal to the medinah, it might pursuade many fence-sitting hareidim to support the zionists rather than resist conscription.

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