Brooklyn DA – Hikind Slams Joe Hynes’ ‘Misleading’ Campaign Against Thompson

hikind[AUDIO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] Assemblyman Dov Hikind slammed the Brooklyn District Attorney Charles J. Hynes for portraying his opponent, Ken Thompson, as inexperience to head the DA’s office.

During a radio interview Saturday night, Mr. Hikind’s co-host Dov Cohen asked Brooklyn DA candidate, Ken Thompson, to address recent attacks by Mr. Hynes suggesting he lacks the experience to lead the District Attorney’s office.

While Mr. Thompson defended his past in prosecution and heading a private law firm as being ready to fulfill his position in the DA’s office,  Mr. Hikind went a step further, slamming Joe Hynes for degrading his opponent.

“The argument that ‘you haven’t managed people and what’s your experience’ is the oldest trick for people who are incumbents to use against people who are running,” said Mr. Hikind. “Did Hynes manage that many people before he was the DA of Brooklyn? I mean, that is just a fallacious argument, as far as I am concerned in general.”

“Look, if the incumbent is doing a great job he should be in office , I don’t know if into the 90’s. I’m not sure about that,” Mr. Hikind quipped, taking a jab at Mr. Hynes age, “but they can serve for a long time and be very effective. But to use that argument – ‘Well, have you managed a thousand people? I’ve been doing that’ – that’s just a ridicules argument,” Mr. Hikind asserted.

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(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

3 Responses

  1. It is high time the Heimisha community takes their heads out of the sand, take notice how the corrupt bum, Hynes, has been hurting the Frum community, and throw him out!

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