Report: Chareidim Beat Netanya Man for Staring at a Pregnant Woman

mda arrivesA 55-year-old male resident of Netanya was beaten by chareidim and is reported in moderate-to-serious condition. According Walla and Ynet News reports, the victim, a frum Jew, was beaten in the Kiryat Sanz neighborhood in the city on motzei Shabbos, 20 Menachem Av 5773 as a group of chareidim saw him staring at a pregnant woman as she waited for a bus.

They pushed the man into a vehicle, beat him and dumped him on a local street. He is admitted to Sanz Laniado Hospital. Police are investigating.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. Stop! Stop! Stop!

    I can’t hear about these things anymore. I am so sickened. This is disgusting.

    Why do you even call them chareidim?!!!!

  2. That sounds highly suspicious. Does the report from YNET (a well know anti-religious website) give any names (ACCORDING to their online version, the police have interviewed no one involved in the case, not the victim nor the accused). The “facts” as reported do not add up.

    I notice that in covering Israeli news, YWN does not accept reports from Al Jazeera, and if reported on at all, are reported with great skepticism. Perhaps the same agree of journalism responsibility should be used from news sources knows for their open hatred of Torah and of orthodox Jews.

  3. Objective, unbiased news reporting is the goal, but this is over the top. A website like YWN should tone down airing our dirty laundry like this in public.

  4. naftali99 says:
    July 28, 2013 at 6:07 pm

    There must be more to the story !

    they are beating frum soldiers so why should this be unbelievable

  5. akuperma is correct. Sites like YNet, Haaretz and JPost invent stories like this out of thing air. Their lies are motiviated by their anti-semitism.

  6. To make the story more accurate replace the word “chareidim” with “idle men dressed as chareidim”. It is very unlikely they are imbued with much fear of G-d.

  7. To be quite honest I am quite surprised with the editors at YWN. At least attached a comment stating that the information provided is vague at this point and we are waiting for further details. It could be that this man they “allegedly” beat was a know molester. It could be that these “Charedim” were in fact “Perchachim” or the like. And it could actually be a fabricated dtory. When a story as bizarre as this comes out you know that somethings missing. It’s our responsibility as frum Yidden to live and act on a higher standard; that includes reporting with more Yiras Shamiyim, concern for Lashon Hara, and Dan L’kav Zechus.

  8. Toras Moshe,
    Including the Jerusalem Post in your grouping is a mistake. The JP is probably the most even handed newspaper in Israel. I usually go to their website immediately after reading YWN to find out what is REALLY happening in EY.

  9. WAKE UP!!!!! Imagine what Hashem is thinking when he sees these jews fighting eachother. Where are their Ahavat Yisrael!? Instead of hitting the guy, at least talk to him…HASHEM YERACHEM!!!

  10. non frum jews are passul l’eidus . what they report is biassed and probably untrue. it’s probably assur to believe anything they say.

  11. good thing everyone is arguing to keep these “chariedim” in the yeshiva and out of the army. this is exactly who’s zechusim we need-true benei torah!what happened, no soldiers around so they needed to find someone else to beat!
    where are the gedolim to say something about this insanity!!

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