Admor Threatened & Assaulted on Shabbos in Betar Illit

mishtAfter he finished his tisch the Admor of Caracas Shlita on Friday night was heading to his home in Betar Illit. The rebbe passed a group of youth, delinquents – lost neshomos, who decided to attack the rebbe without provocation. According to reports, at least one threatened the admor with a knife while others beat him R”L.

Needless to say the people escorting the rebbe to his home were assaulted by the thugs as well.

Angered residents on motzei Shabbos held a protest outside City Hall demanding the appropriate action to assure residents they can walk safely in the streets of their community.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. This isn’t the true story. The attacker was a robber who asked him for money. ONE robber, not a gang.There’s an insinuation in this report that’s not truthful.

  2. While it is good to be dan le-kay zechus, as a news organization, YWN should consider the possibility these were patriotic zionists who are following the advice of their leaders who have made it clear they consider hareidim to be scum that should be driven out of respectable society. They may be very much “found neshamos” that have been found by the zionists.

  3. As always the rule it is not what you do but who did it.
    What a kidush hashem (if the attackers were chilonim). Or maybe what a chilul hashem (if it was chariedim).

  4. I find the comments by akuperma as spurious and deceiving. To suggest that some how, whoever this attacker(s) was/were must somehow be “patriotic zionist” under orders, is delusional at an extreme. It is more likely that the perp(s) were locals with their own reasons. Not every problem can be laid at the door of “zionist”, unless you belong to the plo, hezbolah or iran.

  5. What upsets me is that akuperma leaps on any story that shows “Zionists” (apparently we are not Am Yisroel – we are Jews & Zionists…Gd help us!!!) in a bad light but I’ve read a couple of recent stories where if Charedim apparently are caught doing wrong, he is convinced it is the story that is wrong. The truth is if one goes to Beitar ilit, Ramat Bet Shemesh, or indeed the center of Yerushalayim you will see 1000s…no 1000s of lost children from Shmrei Torah families. There are many reasons for this, but I know of several of these kids turned around by what was there last hope (and against there families wishes) the IDF.

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