Lapid: Porush Should Have Remained Handcuffed to Podium

porTwo pressing issues in Israel seem to occupy Finance Minister Yair Lapid of late; the drafting of bnei Torah and the elections of two chareidi-affiliated Chief Rabbis of Israel.

In his view, the Knesset plenum session last week in which the draft bill was passed in his first reading was a “circus” due the chareidim. He points out they sang, blew the shofar, tore kriya and MK Meir Porush handcuffed himself to the podium. The Knesset ushers had to busy themselves with unlocking him and removing him after the stunt.

“If Porush wishes to handcuff himself to the podium then he should be left there” Lapid stated.

Regarding the election of Chief Rabbi David Lau and Rishon L’Tzion Yitzchak Yosef, he added “I must admit that I was not overly involved in the Chief Rabbinate election but the election of two Orthodox rabbis pains me for there are others streams in Jewry including the dati-leumi, Reform, Conservative and others. We have not been sentenced to another ten years of the same status.”

“The time has come for civil marriage for the many non-Jews and those Jews wishing to wed without rabbinical involvement. It will be a dirty political war, perhaps a prolonged one but we will wage the war because there is a future (Playing on the party name, Yesh Atid). We will fight as the party battles for what it believes, unyielding and with tenacity until the objective is achieved.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

20 Responses

  1. “there are others streams in Jewry including the dati-leumi, Reform, Conservative and others” Let’s all remember this sentence where Lapid himself put them all in 1 pot… proving Rav Shalom Cohen shlit”a, Rav Ovadia Yosef shlit”a and charedim in general right with their observation.

  2. Wouldn’t Israeli politics be dull if they limited it to grown-ups? Children are so much more entertaining.

    At least the frum community does its share for keeping the kenesset – we don’t allow gedolim to be political leaders (let’s be honest, if the gedolim were in the kenesset it would be dull).

  3. It may not be a known fact, being that the people who know about it and witnessed it went Al Kidddush hy’d. However there is an Auschwitz survivor from the same town that Yairs’ great grandfather was Rav, who told me personally that it was the talk of the town when Lapids’ grandfather married a Sikshe. There is some Esav Si’nah L’Yackov (Amid H’Torah – V’tigha B’kaf Yarech Yackov) running in his blood to try to root out Torah..

    Yair … Just remember H’shem is on our side and it is his personel Torah and children you are trying to uproot (Yisroal, V’orasah, V’Kidsha Boruch Ch’ad Hu).
    He gave you life , however he can pull the plug of life from you at any time.

  4. dear editor Ok with me can leave out the part of life maybe to strong but the rest is truth.

    Kosher is a Yeshiva Ben Torah.

  5. What an emesdika Rasha this son of a Goy is!
    Dovy, you’re ok with what your mentor is saying?!
    Piron, you agree with your Leader?!
    The only comfort is that Bennett promised us he would never hurt the Torah world! Lol!

  6. Porush got his 15 minutes of fame, his pictures in the newspapers and on tv .Lapid is no angel, but he reacted to the carnival atmosphere where one chareidi “macher and schvitzer’ after another played to their leadership in order to chanfeh them.

  7. #2 Taking Lapid’s knowledge of Judaism is enough to make a bagel and lox. Dati-Leumi is our Torah oriented as Frum, Charedi, chassidish or Sefardik.

  8. It may not be a known fact, being that the people who know about it and witnessed it went Al Kidddush hy’d. However there is an Auschwitz survivor from the same town that Yairs’ great grandfather was Rav, who told me personally that it was the talk of the town when Lapids’ grandfather married a Sikshe. There is some Esav Si’nah L’Yackov (Amid H’Torah – V’tigha B’kaf Yarech Yackov) running in his blood to try to root out Torah..

    Yair … Just remember H’shem is on our side and it is his personel Torah and children you are trying to uproot (Yisroal, V’orasah, V’Kidsha Boruch Ch’ad Hu).

  9. Reply to No. 1

    I rarely agree with Porush but don’t believe that you should call him names. He is entitled to engage in these kinds of childish stunts to show his opposition to the draft law.

  10. #1 Toi — well said about Lapid the Ferd. But it is an injustice to Ferds to refer to Lapid by their species.

  11. #14 Kosher. “…that it was the talk of the town…”.. Your words- TALK of the town.
    In other words, not proven. And from that you already darshen- Eisov soneh leYakov.. blah.. blah.. In other words loshon hara… Mr, Kosher… You ain’t so kosher peddling yenta rechilas.

  12. #3: “Lapid is not the Minister of Finance. He is the Minister of Hareidim.”
    I think he’s the Minister of Gehinnom

  13. dear # 17 talk of town was just used as a saying.

    Story started years before, when Lapids greatgrandfather was told that it will come a time where one of his gradhildren will turn away from his yiddishkeit..
    There is zero loshan Hora to story.. it was a known thing (not just talk of town…american slang)

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