HaSiyum Publication: The Business Of Supporting Torah Through The Siyum

An exclusive interview with Mrs. Chayale Kaufman, CEO of The Jewish Content Network, Consult Write, The Yated Ne’eman and renowned Advertising and Marketing Expert

What is HaSiyum?

HaSiyum is the commemorative book published for The Siyum. It is the most meaningful keepsake from The Siyum. Attendees cherish it and read it to relive the inspiration and experience of The Siyum.

What is unique about HaSiyum?

That’s a great question. Let me share an interesting anecdote that happened when we were first starting to work on the book. We were trying to get a hold of some old magazines from the 9th, 10th and 11th siyumim to use as a reference. Nearly anyone who we asked who attended those siyumim still had the book, but almost no one was willing to lend it to us. They value it too much. I have never before seen a publication of this kind that people keep and still look at for decades. The 9th Siyum HaShas was nearly 30 years ago on April 26, 1990.

HaSiyum contains fascinating history, inspiring stories and so much more. The upcoming HaSiyum to be published for The SIyum on January 1 will have even better, with all new content, and more than 50% larger.

How does this impact my business?

HaSiyum offers businesses and organizations sponsorship and advertising opportunities simply unavailable anywhere else. This is a once in 7 and a half year chance to be a part of history. But, more than that, there are three keys to smart advertising that I always share with my clients, and HaSiyum is the ultimate example of that.

Interesting. Can you please share them with our readers?

Sure. Effective advertising needs to have Association, Longevity, and Reach.

Association means placing your ads in publications that associate you with ideas and ideals people respect and relate to. This builds trust in your brand and increases peoples’ respect for your business as well. Nothing is more respected in our community than The Siyum.

Longevity is obvious. The longer a publication stays around the more bang you get for your buck. That’s why I always recommend clients to advertise in Yom Tov publications. The papers and magazines stay around in people’s homes much longer on Yom Tov than they do on a regular week. HaSiyum stays around for decades!

The most important component is reach. Reach means the number of people who will see your ad. More than 500,000 copies of HaSiyum will be distributed around the world. There is nothing else even close.

But, with HaSiyum there is something even more valuable…

What is it?

Partnering with The Siyum is partnering in the amazing growth of Torah learning that is already being seen throughout the world and that will continue to grow exponentially after The Siyum for the next 7 and a half years. To date, over 30,000 children in 1200 schools have learned millions of Mishnayos and lines of Gemara. Nearly 10,000 have joined Chavrei HaSiyum in more than 200 kehilos and will collectively be completing shas more than 100 times. Tens of thousands more have been learning Daf Yomi and the numbers are growing every single day. For me personally, it is a great zechus Who wouldn’t want to support this while growing their own business?

What kind of businesses is advertising and sponsoring so far?

Almost every major frum-owned or frum-targeting businesses are already in. Being a part of HaSiyum means you’re part of The Siyum, the growth of Torah, the inspiration and Klal Yisrael.

The question shouldn’t be about who is, but about who isn’t… (laughs).

Wow! This sounds like am amazing opportunity for every single business.

Yes, it is. But space and time are limited. You need to reserve your spot now. In order to publish such a monumental book, it takes time, especially with printing and distributing so many copies around the world. With The Siyum just a little over 2 months away, HaSiyum needs to go to prints soon.

How does a business reserve their space?

Simple, email [email protected]. Someone from the sales team will contact them right away. For sponsorship opportunities, you can call me at 732.552.4017

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