Cabinet Approves Terrorist Release

papAfter hours of deliberations, the cabinet on Sunday, 21 Menachem Av 5773 voted to approve the release of 104 terrorists in yet another Israeli good-will gesture to the PA (Palestinian Authority). This latest act of good-will is required to persuade PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) to agree to return to the negotiating table with Israel.

The cabinet vote 13 in favor, 7 opposed and 2 abstentions.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. It would be pretty funny and ironic if these terrorists would make use of their profession on those who sanctioned their release it would serve them right.

  2. Does anyone know how many times Israel released prisoners as a good will gesture in the last 10 years?
    Can anyone tell me what the Palestinians have done as a good will gesture in the last 10 years?

    As the saying goes, The Palestinians are laughing all the way to the “west” bank.
    As for Kerry he’ll be smiling and smirking as he accepts the Noble peace prize at the expense of Jewish blood.

  3. Terrible. R”L. Arabs are 2 facers and worthless trying to negotiate. They understand one thing and only one — the wrath!

  4. Each and everyone of them are blood thirsty murderers and should have been poisend in prison not to see the light of day again!- Hashem Yishmor
    – Hashem wants our prayers

  5. nah!!! shouldve had a more comprehensive “list”.

    The ministers voting against are:

    Likud ministers Gilad Erdan and Yisrael Katz

    Yisrael Beytenu ministers Yair Shamir and Uzi Landau

    Bayit Yehudi ministers Naftali Bennett, Uri Ariel and Uri Orbach.

    Likud ministers Silvan Shalom and Limor Livnat abstained.

    Those who voted for the proposal were:

    Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Yuval Steinitz, Moshe Ya’alon and Gideon Sa’ar from the Likud,

    Sofa Landver and Yitzhak Aharonovitch from Yisrael Beytenu,

    Yesh Atid’s Yair Lapid, Yael German, Yaakov Peri, Shai Piron, Meir Cohen, and

    Hatnua’s Tzipi Livni, and Amir Peretz.

  6. Can you list the names of those who voted FOR it & those who voted AGAINST it? As usual, Israel is its own worst enemy! They NEVER learn from History! They just keep repeating the same mistakes over & over & over & over again! There are no “backsees” with Israel’s security! It doesn’t make a difference who the PM is. I guess those pee brains truly believe that NOW they are going to “achieve” “real” lasting peace! Gush Kativ was a smashing success also?

  7. Those who voted for the release had 1 thing in mind: to make room for charedim who – in their eyes – are much worse than terrorists with blood on their hands. Can anything be worse than those fanatic black-hatters who want to make Israel Jewish?

    Will Bennett have the courage to leave the government for this? Of course not. What does he care about those who were murdered by these terrorists as long as they’re not his friends or family.

  8. Can I have a clarification on this? Is this a big kidush hashem or a big chilul hashem? A big mitzva or a big aveira?
    Maybe is it the same thing mitzvah/aviera, kidush hashem/chilul hashem?

  9. Does Israel really have “independence” with American controling Israel?

    America and EU controlling Israel like Israel trying to control charedim – mida keneged mida.

  10. It is just so unbelievable, that there is just one thing to say: HASHEM IS TRULY RUNNING THE WORLD! There can be no other explanation for such stupidity. The same way Hashem hardened the heart of Paroh, he is blinding the eyes of the idiots in the Knesset. It is such an unbelievably stupid thing to do, that there is just no other explanation.

  11. i wouldnt be surprised if netanyahu is filling in for Sharon, its deja vu all over again and i wouldnt be surprised if we had a repeat of Gush Katif

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