Erick Salgado Touts Increasing Support Among Young Voters


“There’s a Latino candidate in the race and his name is Erick Salgado,” Conservative-Democratic mayoral hopeful likes to remind the media from time to time.

In the most public opinion polls Mr. Salgado inched up ahead of Sal Albanese, garnering support of 2 percent among registered Democrats. While he’s considered a long shot, Mr. Salgado has been arguing that his base is being underestimated in public opinion polls. In the most recent Marist poll, the Salgado campaign found its voice in proving his Latino base is being heavily underestimated.

While Erick Salgado polls at 2 percent among Democratic voters, his support among 18 to 29 year olds increases to 8 percent compared to a mere 3% for Bill Thompson. Mr. Salgado also garnered 4% among voters under the age of 45, the Marist poll showed.

“I see it in the streets and auditoriums as I campaign. New Yorkers are seeking a candidate who not only knows this City and its people, but who has a strong moral background,” Mr. Salgado stated in a press release. “It’s not just older New Yorkers who are coming up to me to tell me that I have their votes, it’s young people too. As New Yorkers get to know me and what I stand for personally and professionally they offer me their support.”

“I am especially encouraged by the result of Thursday’s Marist Poll, because my prime supporters are considered to be the least likely to respond to pollsters’ questions. What would the poll results have shown if my supporters would be more ‘pollable?’” Salgado asked.

Whether Mr. Salgado contains the resources to improve his standing in the coming month, remains to be seen. Nonetheless, any increase of support in the critical month of August should indicate that his presence in the race has made a difference.

Mr. Salgado’s support among Orthodox Jewish voters is also believed to be stronger than his standing among Jewish voters in general.

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

One Response

  1. “Mr. Salgado’s support among Orthodox Jewish voters is also believed to be stronger than his standing among Jewish voters in general.”

    Well of course! Who else would they vote for?! Friedlanders girl? Weiner? Maybe Thompson, if Salgado doesn’t make it.

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