Israel: Another Child Forgotten in a Vehicle

mdanA six-week-old infant became the latest statistic in Israel, forgotten in a vehicle in Beit El in Shomron. B’chasdei Hashem the parents realized they forgot the baby in their vehicle after 20 minutes. They ran to open the vehicle as Magen David Adom was called.

Baruch Hashem the child was in good condition when they arrived and they canceled the ambulance. There have been numerous cases of late, which R”L ended in the deaths of children in Ramat Gan, Dolev and Shilo.

Israel’s EMS services, Magen David Adom and Ichud (United) Hatzalah have launched campaigns to increase awareness among parents/drivers.

Additionally, YWN published a video last week, in the hopes of preventing such tragedy again. Please watch it by clicking here.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. If you’re online, Google “Fatal Distractions” an article by an American mother who went through this.

  2. Because boruch Hashem we all 95%? Have stressed out lifes streched to the max, we all should do such simanim like the teddy bear in the front seat when child is in the back, see article. Here’ s a shortcut to that article. And yes it can happen to anyone no matter was class, money, race and distracted or not the person is

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