Israel Police; A Sought After Job

mishtIsrael Police officials explain they have worked hard to improve the department’s image as well as salary and conditions. According to a comprehensive survey it does appear that those efforts were not in vain. Police officials report that today, there are 26 applicants for every available position. This is in no small part the result of a 40% increase in salary, new police cars, improved food, conditions and health workout facilities for police personnel.

Police officials boast that this is not just a regular survey involving a sample group, but a study that included 21,000 police personnel. The outcome shows 82% of uniformed personnel are pleased with the job and conditions and 81% expressed satisfaction with their superior officers. It is noteworthy to add the poll was computerized and anonymous, permitting police personnel to respond from their hearts without fear of repercussions.

For one thing, base salary has increased from 5,144 NIS monthly to 7,190 NIS. Credit is given to Police Chief Yochanan Danino who stated when he entered the post that he has a three-year plan to rebuild and improve the department. Danino was adamant in his vision of restoring pride to the department towards bringing it to a level that will attract good personnel. However, it appears it is not just the salary increase but a revamping of the system to create less bureaucracy and the introduction of more high-tech advances such as computer-equipped vehicles. There are improved cafeterias and menus, new uniforms, and an emphasis on better health facilities to encourage and facilitate officers getting into better shape.

Officials admit it was costly, but a success, and a worthwhile project. As a result the department can truly pick the cream of the crop as so many of the nation’s young view Israel Police as a viable and sought after career.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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