Rav David Stav on the Day After

stavSpeaking to the media on Thursday, 18 Menachem Av 5773, the day after the election for new Chief Rabbis of Israel Rabbi David Stav spoke to the media.

Following is a small portion of an extensive interview with the rav appearing in Maariv.

Rav Stav, who heads the Tzohar Rabbonim organization, was the dati leumi tzibur’s candidate to become the Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Israel. The rabbi’s immediate response was that “nothing happened”, seemingly indicating there is no change as the chareidim continue to run the Chief Rabbinate. The rav was quick to give his bracha to the winners, Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef and Rabbi David Lau, wishing them success in their new positions.

The rabbi admits that for him there is a sense of relief, a weight lifted off his shoulders. However, “we are sad” he admits, for the rabbi planned sweeping reform in the Chief Rabbinate in line with his mission to connect to the non-frum streams of Judaism in the Diaspora and to address marriage, giyur, agunos, kashrus and other issues from a different halachic perspective here in Eretz Yisrael.

Rabbi Stav explains that his relief is on a personal level, but on the other hand, in the perspective of Am Yisrael, “I am disappointed” he explains. He feels that Am Yisrael lost since there will not be a new tomorrow.

One person close to the rav is quoted by Maariv adding “If Rabbi Stav would have been elected can you imagine the insults and slanderous comments that would be heard from those who view themselves as Gedolei Torah”. Persons close to the rabbi explain he never wanted to run, but was persuaded to do so as a continuation of his life’s work. It is now clear they explain that Rabbi Stav will not run again in the future.

When asked to explain the loss, Rabbi Stav states “Because the election body is controlled by Shas and Agudas Yisrael and in addition, there was the incitement from extremists in the dati leumi camp.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

32 Responses

  1. Very simple Mr Quoteee! OF COURSE the Yirei Hashem will and should publicize how disgraceful those who want to reform the Jewish nation NOT the opposite way! Although this is NOT the case here both sides are good for nothing

  2. Unfortunately you lost, Rav Stav Shlita.
    Your friend’s comment about those who ” VIEW themselves as Gedolei Torah” is a courageous, true staement which will hopefully open the eyes of their hypnotized hangers-ons. But I won’t hold my breath. It takes a long time to de-program cultists.

  3. DON’T hold your breath and hopefully your hope will never materialize! The Torah never changed and will never change and cannot be changed! And those who change or try to change are joining the KOL HAMESHANE YODO AL HATACHTONO!

  4. Dear Satar84… You’re absolutely correct..!! But please tell me something. Are you allowed to lie and be a kofie tova? Dodn’t your Rebbe deny that Zionists saved his life? Isn’t that a gross lie that thousands of Satmers believe? Haven’t your peace-loving 2 brothers-in-command in Wilyl and Monroe helped revised history? Oh, and The Torah? Doesn’t the Torah forbid bringing court cases before Archois shel Akum? Be fair now.

  5. Hello Satmar,
    Get yourself a copy of Reb Moshe’s sheilos and tshuvos and you will see Halacha in its beauty.

  6. Satmr 841.. Listen up. I remember very well what the Satmars did to other rabbonim and other Yidden that were pro-Zionists and even non-Zionists with whom they disagreed . I grew up in Willy. I remember the violent hoodlum shtick that they did to innocent store owners. How they burned people’s property and broke windows. I believe this was against the same Torah that you’re defending with CAPS in your post. Satmar equals redifeh. Now unless you’ll repudiate this repugnant behavior, then your words are garbage.

  7. #3… You guys will give a dinv’cheshbon for your hatred of Jews who support religious Zionism. You’ll also have to give a din v’cheshbon for the tzoris and despicable name calling you did over the last 60 years. First fix your own tent, Fix the sinah and machlokes in your own community before you lecture others. Your families are broken up over this. Relatives don’t talk to each other and don’t go to each other’s simchas. Look at yourself first.

  8. “One person close to the rav is quoted by Maariv adding “If Rabbi Stav would have been elected can you imagine the insults and slanderous comments that would be heard from those who view themselves as Gedolei Torah”.

    And this is a gracious comment.

  9. Rav Stav was deemed unfit by his Rebbe Rav Druckman who bent over backwards to change the law to put in Rav Ariel. Why? Because as the pasuk says yodei tsadik nefesh b’hemto. I ask my friends would you want your Rabbi to proclaim to all, and write for posterity that hd goes to the movies? The answer is no for any Torani person. So why would you consider him for your chief Rabbi?
    Bottom line, he was unfit. Boruch Hashem he didn’t get in.

  10. #4,5,6,7- Well said.

    You did not answer my question that I posed yesterday, Mr. Satmar. Did you get past 6th grade? Clearly, you cannot write a simple paragraph.

  11. but how are wegonna know which movies to watch will the “rav” still be updating his facebook on the latest out of hollywood?

  12. Some Facts:

    Twenty percent of secular Israelis now marry outside of Israel due to marraige and divorce complexities with the Rabbinate in Israel, that we dont see in America.

    Arabs will be filling the slots in the IDF and in Israeli comopanies

    30,000 Askenzi charedim rallied two years ago that Sephardic girls not be admitted into Askenazi religious schools.

    Young Sephardim will break away from Shas

    If we keep this up, only lunitics will want to be bal tshuva. Artscroll will go bankcrup.

    Azehu Chachan Haroeah et Hanolad

  13. #4
    Of course NOT, lying is DEORYSSO and kofu tova is not even human! But you have the facts totally wrong, It’s a gross lie of the Zionist propagandists and liars! First you have to get the facts how that transport materialized altogether! and yes eventually they organized who’s gonna be the travelers, AND THEY SPECIFICALLY PROHIBITED THE REBBE TO BE PART OF IT! IT WAS A FATHER IN LAW OF THE TOP PERSON OF THE ZIONIST SIDE (HE WAS A MISRACHI) THAT HAD PUT HIS POWER FOR THE REBBE! NOT THE ZIONISTS!

    Now regarding the going to court, definitely GOING TO COURT IS AGAINST THE TORAH! but again do YOU know all the facts? or only what you read in the media?

    Now regarding what the Torah allows and forbids, there’s no question that what the Zionist movement has done and doing is MUCH MORE of a desecration of Torah law!

    And finally i’m NOT even satmar! Yes im a follower of the REBBE AND HIS TEACHINGS but not a satmar chosid persay

  14. #7
    And you guys could continue to platz of the physical and spiritual growth of our community!

  15. Mr. Chachamhagadol……Please be aware that Rav Ovadia Yosef is a big fan of the female Egyptian vocalist Umm Kulthum and permits listening to recordings of female singers.

  16. “And finally i’m NOT even satmar! Yes im a follower of the REBBE AND HIS TEACHINGS but not a satmar chosid PERSAY”.


    I would like to rephrase my question. Did you make it past 4th grade, Satmar?

  17. Satmar Follower,
    Please don’t scream. R’ Yoel Teitelbaum was saved by the Zionists, no matter how you spin your story. In short, Kastner (Zionist) and negotiator with Eichman provided him with the list. While it’s true that Kastner personally did not put the rebbe nor most of the other 1600 on that train, the other list maker, the orthodox Freudiger put him on and presented said list to Kastner. ( After which Freudiger fled the country) Its passengers , due to Kastner’s diligence were saved. It’s a longer story, but suffice it to say that the kofie tova, the pernicious denial in face of facts that has been handed down to now 3 generations is a vicious slander.
    As I said, I grew up in Willy. I saw everything. Why, just a few years ago, police were called into the Satmar shul in Willy on YOMTOV to stop people from breaking chairs over people’s heads.
    Finally… Calm down. Zionism is here to stay… Hashem is starting the end of galus, whether you like it or not. I prefer rather to be with Yehoshua and Calev than with the 10 other meraglim. Shalom …. Oh… I only take a cholestoral med, and I did take it this morning.

  18. “We don’t hate any Jew! A JEW IS NOT A ZIONIST! ZIONISM IS ATHEISM!”

    Rav Reines, Rav Kook, Rav Herzog, Rav Uziel, Rav Soloveitchik, Rav Lichtenstein, Rav Aviner, and a host of other gedolim who were religious Zionists would beg to differ.

    Why don’t you learn some of their seforim?

  19. “When asked to explain the loss, Rabbi Stav states “Because the election body is controlled by Shas and Agudas Yisrael and in addition, there was the incitement from extremists in the dati leumi camp.”
    How about “it was the ratzon Hashem”, RABBI?

  20. What does he mean by PERSAY. ? Should we tell him that it’s ” per se” or should we let him to continue to rave and rant and expose himself more and more?

    ” Platz of the physical and spiritual growth…..” Mmmm.

  21. “”…….Now regarding the going to court, definitely GOING TO COURT IS AGAINST THE TORAH! but again do YOU know all the facts? or only what you read in the media? – ….”””
    Oh No! Not from the media. From some of my friends on Bedford Ave. who are disgusted with the whole thing. Sadly, the little children also have affected. Little boys of 8-12 years old already consider the Aronis kofrim. And vice-versa. Youcan’t sell your snake oil fiction to me. I know much more than you like. Much More.

  22. ZionGate: Adolf Eichmann saved the Satmar Rebbe. You should be demanding that Satmar show hakaros hatov to Mr. Eichmann. Adolf Eichmann’s good friend Rudolf Kastner could do zilch without his buddy Eichmann. Eichmann authorized the train, not Kastner. Eichmann secured the train’s passageway out of nazi territory, not Kastner.

    Kastner ym’s simply sold 600,000 Hungarian Jews to the nazis so that they could exterminate them in Aushwitz. Kastner was a nazi enabler.

    Even after the war Kastner was still defending Nazis.

  23. Toras Moshe;

    You know…..I’m not even going to answer this one. For you to write that Eichman saved the Rebbe is nothing short of insane.
    It’s been a long time since I read such a vile and disgusting thing. I only question whether your yichus is even Jewish.Kastner only defended a guy called Becher, and there was a reason for it although you and I might not agree. You see,Mr. Toras Moshe, when you believe such lies and disseminate tem and were taught to be a kafui tovah bemeizid , you yourself become such an Avi Avos Hatumah , that even a parah adumah can’t be metaher you.

  24. …..You should be demanding that Satmar show hakaros hatov to Mr. Eichmann……

    Do Satmer even know what hakoras hatov is????
    Hey, again..!!! Your holy rabbi was saved by Kastner. I know you hate that fact but’s … to borrow an expression…. Toras Moshe…

  25. ZionGoy: Even your fellow Zionists Judge HaLeivi of the Israeli Court was forced to publicly admit that his fellow Zionist rasha nazi enabling Rudolf Kastner sold Jews to the nazis to be killed so Kastner could save his family and friends on the train.

    Explain why Kastner was defending an saving Nazis even AFTER the war.

    And explain why Kastner rather than his friend Adolf Eichmann should be thanked by those on the train. Eichmann authorized the train and secured it leaving Hungary. Kastner was merely Eichmann’s puppet to get Hungarian Jews to be quiet and to ship to Aushwitz without resistance.

  26. HOW DARE YOU, Menuvel. My family was deported and murdered by Eichman yemach shmo and you defend him? Are you so sick?? Don’t you even know why he sent a few hundred people on that train including rabbi Joel Teitelbaum? Do you , you piece of garbage, even understand the evil and the suffering he caused for millons of Jews including my dear and holy family ? What’s wrong with you? Who taught this ?
    Are you a young shnook who absorbed this slander from your parents, or are you a demented old kelev that should know better?

  27. You heard the man Soguru and Ziongoy. Stop defending those murderous reshoyim Eichmann and Kastner who are singlehandedly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Jews — literally. And stop demanding “thanks” to those Jew-killers Eichmann and Kastner. Two peas in a pod, buddies in this world and sharing their fates in the next.

  28. Why would anyone foolishly thank Adolf Eichmann and Rudolf Kastner for the single train? Those two individuals are responsible for the murder of over half a million Jews living in Hungary. You are going to thank Eichmann/Kastner for saving a few hundred Jews before murdering over half a million Jews??

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