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Tnuva Bein Hazmanim Chocolate Milk Campaign

tnuva.jpgAs the chareidi market continues to grow in Eretz Yisrael BA”H, the various food companies invest more time, money and effort into maintaining and earning a larger share of that market. Tnuva, like the others, is no exception.

Tnuva’s chocolate milk campaign is underway and trucks will be traveling to different chareidi communities during bein hazmanim and children will be permitted to distribute chocolate milks to anyone passing by they wish.

Children are urged to phone an advertised telemesser number and respond correctly to six questions. By doing so, a child is eligible to become one of the chocolate milk distributers. This number and details appear on the back of bags of chocolate milk. A different child will be selected each day. The child will drive around with the truck, accompanied by a parent.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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