Rav Yisrael Meir Lau: My Son’s Victory – A Message To The Nazis

lauTel Aviv Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau Shlita, the father of the newly-elected Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi David Lau spoke with Israel Radio’s Reshet Bet on Thursday morning, 18 Menachem Av 5773, the morning following the election.

Needless to say the rav was pleased that his son was elected as the new chief rabbi, following in his footsteps.

Israel Radio:

What do you have to say about those who opposed your son’s candidacy because he is not from the Zionist camp?

Rav Lau:

Rav Dudi’s grandfather, Rav Yitzchak Yedidya Frankel, the Rav of Tel Aviv arrived in Eretz Yisrael from Poland before the war. He received citations from Lechi and Etzel. Dudi served in the IDF, in the intelligence corps reaching the rank of major. I think the tzibur is familiar with me, my views and my actions. I am truly pained by such allegations. This is not called Zionism today? My son’s years of service to the entire population of Modi’in – this is not being a Zionist?

While he is only 47-years-old, he has over 20 years experience in the Rabbanut. He was the first chief rabbi of Shoham and Modi’in, and has amassed a wealth of experience.

I am offended by the accusations made during the campaign. We are living here and serving Am Yisrael. During the past decades I have received many offers to become a chief rabbi in different countries, states and areas but I did not flee the Holocaust to return to the Diaspora. I am here as is the family and we are here to stay. This is not Zionism?

I was running around speaking about aliyah way before Nefesh B’Nefesh – this is not Zionism? I do not speak against anyone, but yes, I am pained over the words that were said against my home and my son.

Israel Radio:

Why do we need two chief rabbis?

Rav Lau:

This is a very good question. I can begin by saying in Jerusalem there have not been chief rabbis for 12 years. In Mevassert Tzion there is no chief rabbi. In cities including Beersheva, Herzliya, Tel Aviv and others there is only one chief rabbi.

However, on the Chief Rabbinate level it is different as they serve separate functions. It is not just about minhagim but the fact that one rav serves as the Av Beis Din of the Rabbinical Supreme Court and this rav has his duties. There is also the matter of kashrus, marriage, divorce and many other issues and the tasks are divided between the two.

I do not accept the accusations that ‘it’s all about jobs’. One only has to come to the Chief Rabbinate and become familiar with the day-to-day to see just how hard officials work.

Click HERE to watch this video on a mobile device.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Oh, come now Akuperma! Have you nothing negative to say about this? There is so much juicy material here for you to work with!

    AThought? Not even one?

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