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Two Stabbing Attacks in Yerushalayim [UPDATED 17:10 IL]

mdan16:55 IL: Two stabbing attacks took place in Yerushalayim in the past hour. The first was reported in Liberty Bell Park or Yemin Moshe. That victim was described to be a 50-year-old male in serious condition with abdominal and back wounds. He was transported to the trauma unit of Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.

The second attack occurred at Shar Shechem (Damascus Gate). A non-Jew was stabbed. Ichud Hatzalah responders’ report that based on the initial assessment, his condition appears serious too.

Police are uncertain of the motive in the attacks, reporting all avenues of investigation remain open. The attackers were not apprehended.

17:03 IL: Regarding the first stabbing attack in the Liberty Bell Park area, the victim is a 52-year-old male who told police the attacker was an Arab male. The attack occurred in a public restroom in Bloomfield Park.

Regarding the second attack at Shar Shechem, the victim is an Arab male with stab wounds to his upper torso. He is described in moderate condition.

17:10 IL: The Shar Shechem stabbing attack appears to be the result of a dispute at that location and not terror. This is of course a preliminary finding and not a final determination.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. see if this happened in America, all the media would make something out of this.

    now aren’t we people too?!
    how come this doesn’t make it to the to of the news?!

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