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Poland’s Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich: “We’ll Have an Answer on Shechitah in Ten Days”

01_ami129_coverThe ban on shechitah in Poland has galvanized and appalled world Jewry. In its wake, there has been some finger-pointing, with the leader of one European Jewish group calling for the resignation of Poland’s chief rabbi, Rabbi Michael Schudrich, while the majority have supported his efforts for the Jews of Poland.

In an interview with Ami, Rabbi Schudrich explained the politics behind the recent ban, which he says has been misrepresented, and explained that despite the failure of a direct legislative correction to the ban, there are several ways that the problem will be alleviated. He told Ami, “We should have an answer in seven to ten days, at which point we’ll have a clear situation.”

Despite the fact that Rabbi Schudrich characterized the calls for his resignation as “unwarranted hate,” he nonetheless told Ami that if he fails to have the ban overturned, he anticipates stepping down. “I cannot imagine remaining as Chief Rabbi in a country where there aren’t full religious rights for the Jewish community.”


(AMI Newsroom)

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