OUTRAGEOUS: Chareidi Woman Violently Arrested in Bnei Brak For Jay-Walking [VIDEOS]

A 42-year-old Bnei Brak woman was violently arrest all because of “jaywalking” on HaShomer Street in Bnei Brak.

According to multiple reports, a female police officer asked her to identify herself, the woman refused and began to run away from the officer. Due to her refusal and resistance, she was arrested. The location is known to have traffic police monitoring the street for infractions on a consistent basis.

In videos that were spread around social media, two violent police women are seen choking and dragging the woman while a crowd gathered around them and began yelling at them: “What is wrong with you? Leave her alone or you will sit in prison.”

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A passerby attempted to calm the tensions and ask the officers why they don’t just give her a ticket. The officers responded that they cannot do so unless she identifies herself, something she refused to do. Due to the unrest of the gathered crowd, a large number of police reinforcements were called to the scene to assist in dispersing the crowd. In total seven police cars and teams of officers arrived at the scene. The Charedi woman and the two female officers took shelter in a nearby Fire Department building. The woman was loaded into a police car that arrived and taken to the police station on HaKishon Street.

Bnei Brak Mayor Avraham Rubinstein and some of his staff members personally went to the police station in order to ask demand her release. “It is inconceivable that a Charedi woman would be arrested in such a violent manner without reasonable cause,” Rubinstein said.

BeChadrei Charedim reported that after she was identified at the police station, she was issued a ticket for jay-walking and then was released.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

29 Responses

  1. Really disappointed in the level of reporting. “was violently arrest all because of “jaywalking” ” ? Not.
    “Due to her refusal and resistance, she was arrested” – yes. It’s called resisting arrest, obstruction, whatever. Just cooperate.

  2. She should have shown ID. What makes her a specially privileged character? I would have arrested everyone in that crowd including the Mayor.

  3. Outrageous!!!
    That she refused a lawfull order, resisted arrest, and wasted the publics resources.
    Inconsistant with real chareidi behavior.

  4. She was actually arrested not for jaywalking, but for refusing to give her identification after jaywalking. It became violent when she resisted the police.

    We have a chareidi looking woman come around now and then to collect money because her husband has cancer. She looks like a regular chareidi woman so my neighbors and I were nice to her and let her use our bathroom when she requested. We learned recently that this woman is actually an Arab, stole one of my neighbors jewelry and has spent time in jail in the past.

    The fact that this lady looks religious is meaningless. If she’s not wanted by authority then there is no reason she should be afraid to present her ID.

  5. The Israeli police are viewed by most Hareidim and many others as well as a hostile, force of occupation. They are not seen as objective enforcers of laws but as provocateurs intent on harassing peaceful people. The “leftist” and anti-Torah attitude of most policemen is well known. If it were not that we are a Jewish country, there would have been serious bloodshed by now between the police and the public.

  6. This all could have been avoided had the woman simply not jaywalkers in an area under police watch and identified herself as requested. Is she above the law? When she turned and ran, how did the police know she wasn’t a terrorist?

  7. Old story
    Segments of our society have truly perfected the art of chilul Hashem
    Love the yelling as the police officer seems to simply attempt to do her job .
    If the story is true , why couldn’t she simply give the officer her name ?
    Is she the next heroine that will be lauded for this outstanding achievement in the next days and weeks by our fake co-religionists?

  8. The headline is false and misleading! (probably violates every law of loshon hora as well)
    The woman was not arrested for jaywalking. She was arrested for refusing to identify herself and then for resisting arrest.

  9. What a misleading headline. She was arrested for not identifying herself to police and for evading arrest, not jay-walking. Although the arrest does seem excessive, the headline should accurately reflect the story. This is what Black Lives Matter does. Always paint the police in the worst light possible. This headline should be changed asap.

  10. Outrageous!
    Those cops should have been suspended on the spot, if not fired! Escalating a situation to that degree shows complete incompetence.

  11. She’s resisting that’s what happened I wasn’t there I don’t know what went down but when you resist you create bigger problems for yourself

  12. Stupidity on BOTH sides, The police need to be trained in how to effectuate and arrest w/o using or escalating violence, especially for such minor violations. However, the tzibur (both Chareidi and frum) need to understand that under the law, they must respond to instructions from police and security officers and not resist. They can always bring a complaint later that their detention was inappropriate but at the time of arrest, don’t resist. The police have reasons to fear that a terrorist, man or woman could be disguised in the lvush of a frum yid. Clearly, that was unlikely in this case but overall, they have to exercise caution while using common sense. The latter was clearly missing here.

  13. Jay-walking?!
    Crime of the century! This dangerous lady should be tried in the Hague (ICC) for war crimes! She should be made to sit in the same prison with those Kenyans and Sudanese.
    Police brutality is NEVER acceptable against citizens regardless of race, religion, what color yarlmuka/shaitel you wear, nationality, etc… Who gives some lowlife low self esteem bully donut eaters the right to beat anyone??? Some tuna bagel organizations that loves to kiss their behinds? Seriously?

  14. As they say, fake news.

    What do you think would have happened to an Arab woman who refused to identify herself and then ran away from a police? Why should this be different. You run away from the law, you are going to have to suffer the consequences.

  15. Haloo….even if she was a 22 YO, she is still and adult and should not have resisted arrest. Its bizarre that many of those who argue that young men and women are mature enough to marry at 17-18 YO are “too young” or “too inmature” to understand the consequences of their actions, whether with respect to following the directive of the police or obeying drug laws. You can’t have it both ways.
    BTW: I’ve also reviewed the video and this woman is no “young, innocent GIRL””.

  16. here we go again, all the “since you did something out of order you deserve whatever happens to you” idiots. question 1 is there a law in is rael that you must carry an ID on you? 2, are we really ok with ppl being ticketed for jaywalking? 3 if it IS ok its not btw, what should be done to a violator? violently accost them? or grow he freaken hell up and get a real police job?
    J walking was made illegal in NY a a way to get hooligans into court i.e. mafia. you dont arrest a normal person for J walking, yes, thats a hate attack on the part of the cops. all you fake news jerks,

  17. here we go again, all the “since you did something out of order you deserve whatever happens to you” idiots. question 1 is there a law in is rael that you must carry an ID on you? 2, are we really ok with ppl being ticketed for jaywalking? 3 if it IS ok its not btw, what should be done to a violator? violently accost them? or grow he freaken hell up and get a real police job?
    J walking was made illegal in NY a a way to get hooligans into court i.e. mafia. you dont arrest a normal person for J walking, yes, thats a hate attack on the part of the cops. all you fake news jerks, it is not fake news! its exactly what it is, a woman arrested for j walking, they happened to be able to get a real clame on her, but if you have half a brain, you know what happened. I was there. i lived in israel for 2 years. this is a sport for bored cops, violent idiotic thugs, answer me anyone? you ever lived there?

  18. I agree with the majority of the comments that point out that the woman was arrested not for jaywalking, which is just a fine, but for refusing to show a ID and running away from the officers….


  19. Cops instigated a confrontation, escalated it, and then proceeded with brutality, all you above who are fine with that, i dont really know what to say.
    The demand to identify is totalitarian in any place and therefore even thought the law is there its almost never use. the law against Jwalking was instituted in ny, as an example, as an entrapment tool to snare larger fish [mafia] that couldnt be brought in other ways [lacked concrete evidence].
    Lets ask ourselves? is it normal to even ticket for Jwalking? do all you who commented that the cops where right cross only in a crosswalk when the light is green? Imagine that scenario and receiving a ticket for such?
    When i was 14 i was stopped by 2 cops for riding my bike on the sidewalk, thats right 14, they asked for id, i said i didnt have. They were only half babys so they just let me off then, a normal cop wouldve said, hey you cant ride on the sidewalk, and thadt be that.
    Second point, is that police brutality is never acceptable even in a case of real crime. theres a code of conduct which was breached here.
    In summary, everyone who wants to defend the cops here, I realize that your fighting against a lot of nit picking, but lets remember to keep things in perspective, a woman shouldnt be ticketed for J walking, and she shouldnt have to identify herself either without there being a specific “real” crime she’s accused of, at which point they should arrest her straight away anyway.. this isnt nazi germany, citizens shouldnt have to carry around documentation. The only reason someone would be nitpicked on like that is because those cops relish the fight.

  20. Israeli police are animals. And they learn to be that way in the IDF. What they do to the Palestinians stays with them and they take it back to Jewish communities.

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