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Due to Escalating Tensions Chareidi Soldiers Get a Break

idffThe IDF provided hundreds of chareidi soldiers, their wives and families to a day of fun – explaining with the mounting pressure against them, the military felt a day off would be appreciated by all involved. They gathered in the Haifa Convention Center on Tuesday, Tu B’Av 5773 and after the kenos, they visited different attractions in the city including the zoo and science museum.

Haifa Mayor Yonah Yahav called on the general public to permit the chareidi soldiers to serve their country without being turned into victims by those who oppose their decision to enter the IDF.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. Haifa Mayor Yonah Yahav, if you would call on the general public and anti Torah government to permit charedim to serve Hashem and the Torah – which is after all Israel’s main defense – without charedim being turned into victims by those who oppose their decision, you won’t have a problem with those who would opt to defend Israel with arms. It’s all up to the secular government to make peace. If conscription would be voluntary, it would be better for the army and for the public.

    But then you’d face the main problem – that of Lapid. How will the government be able to secularize charedim – like they did to the Yemenite and Sephardic children over 65 years – if conscription will be voluntary?

  2. We need to keep the pressure against them up in order to strongly discourage future possible recruits from choosing to enlist.

  3. When and IF (and it is still an “if”) the government attempts to begin mass conscription of hareidim, and if there is massive resistance, these “hareidi” soldiers will have to decide between being Torah and Zionism. It makes sense the government will be very nice to them, since in many way these soldiers hold the fate of the medinah in their hands. If they resign in mass (which probably involves mutiny) it will make it very hard for the government to persist in conscripting the hareidim. If the soldiers choose loyalty to the medinah, it will encourage the government to go ahead with plans for mass arrests, confidant that once they have the hareidim rounded up they can process them and make them into tolerable zionists.

  4. “They gathered in the Haifa Convention Center on Tuesday, Tu B’Av 5773 and after the kenos”

  5. Akuperma,

    You speak your nonsense with such confidence. You state “these “hareidi” soldiers will have to decide between being Torah and Zionism”

    Please explain why they have to choose-there are, and have always been many soldiers in the IDF who are frummer and bigger yorai shomayim than me and you. I dare say that their zchusim for defending yidden are beyond our comprehension. Please stop spouting your baseless drivel!

  6. #1
    There’s a undisclosed catch
    So what is the catch ?
    Lets bribe them , sound a joke , you can’t fight a father by giving his baby a lolypop , you can’t fight G-D by giving his children a day of hiking, REMEMBER,

  7. #2. No one is trying to secularize Chareidim, that’s nonsense. You may see people going off the Derech in Chareidi communities, but that never has to do with the IDF. One the contrary, many Baalei Teshuvah have come from the IDF because of their interactions with religious soldiers.

    If someone’s Emunah is so weak, something is severely wrong with their education and experiences in their own communities, not the IDF.

  8. #6
    Stop dreaming! these soldiers have NO zechusim whatsoever! they’re not shluchim of klal yisroel! but shluchim of the SAMACH MEM!! DO you know what’s Yiras Shomayim? according to you boy’s and girls mingling etc etc that’s yirei hashem?

  9. #s 6, 7 & 9- I have expressed these exact sentiments many times. One has to wonder how Akuperma has time to post all day long, while at the same time writing about the fact that being frum means being oseik in Torah and mitzvos? Perhaps he is not frum at all? I have even wondered if it is possible that he does not even exist. It would be very clever of YWN to post inflammatory comments like his just to illicit more responses, which leads to more readership, etc.

  10. I’m under the impression that akuperma is very closely associated with YWN, perhaps even working for them. They will always post whatever kind of insane drivel he comes up with, no matter how ridiculous or inflammatory, and he’s usually first in every thread

    Moderators Note: He has no affiliation whatsoever with YWN.

  11. Satmar841,

    How dare you say these soldiers have no zechusim?! Who are YOU?! G-D? I’d be much quicker to say animals like you and your hoodlum friends in Israel have no zechusim. What do you do all day that makes you so confident you have zechusim? Throw eggs and rocks at Magen David Adom responding to YOUR neighborhood? Maybe smashing up brand new bus stops because it has a bench where women can sit? Gevald!!! Get a life, you scoundrels ruin it for all frum people.

  12. #13
    Who i am? ME! Who are you? and what do you think will happen if you say when you say whatever? and let me repeat myself ABSOLUTELY THEY HAVE NO ZECHUSIM! AND IT’S NOT MY OPINION! AND WHO ARE YOU TO DECIDE WHAT I’M ALLOWED TO SAY OR NOT? BTW IM PROUD TO LIVE IN NY NOT UNDER A SADISTIC ATHEIST REGIME!

  13. Thank You akuperma. Your wise comments on posts is truly appreciated by the Frum/religious readers of this website. The fact that you are subjected to vile ad hominem attacks by the barely religious speaks volumes as to how the truths you write penetrates their hearts. Even a vile character can sense a dosage of truth, as difficult as it is for him to swallow.

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