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August 2013 Draft of 1000s of Chareidim Questionable

idffIn its response to the High Court of Justice on Monday ,15 Menachem Av 5773, the Knesset explained it is uncertain and even doubtful if the Share the Burden Bill will be passed into law by the end of the summer session, which concludes on 29 Menachem Av. It was explained to the court that due to the sensitivity of the issues at hand and the complexities surrounding the legislation, it is not too likely that it will be passed into law before the Knesset convenes for its summer vacation – only to resume regular session following the Tishrei yomim tovim.

Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon signaled that if the bill is not passed into law by the end of the session, he may consider canceling the draft of 3,000 chareidim who are scheduled to be called to service in the August 2013 draft. His statements elicited threats from a number of organizations and lawmakers alike that such a move would spark numerous appeals to the Supreme Court challenging such a decision.

The first reading of the Share the Burden Bill passed in Knesset during the predawn hours of Tuesday, 16 Menachem Av in a 64-21 votes.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. As long as 1/2 of seculars dodge the draft and Israeli Arabs who get government funding without a problem are not drafted, the government and High Court of Chelem are just making a real big fool of themselves for their discrimating discussion in order to please the “Rav Harasha” Lapid.

    As if the decision of the self-elected secular High Court will make a difference for Gedolei Yisrael…

  2. The moment when they actually start trying to draft people is when the real decision will be made. If there is mass resistance, the medinah may be thrust into a course that will end with its destruction. If most hareidim go in, it means that they have been broken, and except for the Satmar/ Neturei Karta/Eidah Hareidis types, the rest of the hareidim will become largely integrated into the Dati Leumi.

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