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Ben-Dahan Optimistic that a Zionist Chief Rabbi Will be Elected

bdWith 48 hours remaining until the election for new Chief Rabbis of Israel, Deputy Minister of Religious Services (Bayit Yehudi) Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan stated on Monday, 15 Menachem Av 5773 that the chance of Zionist rabbonim emerging the victors in the race is good.

Rav Ben-Dahan has stated numerous times over recent weeks “that it’s no secret. I would like to see the election of Zionist rabbonim. There are a number of qualified candidates.”

The deputy minister views the decision by Rabbi Eliezer Igra to drop out a plus for the Zionist camp, and with saying his name it is indeed viewed to benefit Rabbi David Stav. Stav, who heads the Rabbanei Tzohar organization, is backed by Ben-Dahan as well as being the candidate of a number of political parties including Bayit Yehudi, The Movement and Yesh Atid.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Transliteration
    Zionist :someone who takes judaism as unserious as possible, and prefers to push the envelope for whichever wind is blowing ,of all those under consideration for whatever discussion

  2. cont.

    ..and will in convenient partnership with the willing court and media sell that it is of course for the ‘benefit’ of judaism

  3. On the sfardi side bayit hayehudi will support rav eliyahu who is zionist but hatenuah and yesh atid will have to support someone else

  4. “Zionist :someone who takes judaism as unserious as possible ”

    Rabbis Stav and Eliyahu are tremendous talmidei chachamim. To call them “unserious” is motzi shem ra of the first order.

  5. #1 I see how serious you are in Judaism. Apparently their is no issur in degrading fellow Jews and being Moti Shem Ra in your personal Shulhan Aruch?

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