VIDEOS: Porush Handcuffs Himself To Knesset Podium – Gafne & Eichler Tear Kriya in Knesset


MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Meir Porush addressed the Knesset on Monday, 15 Menachem AV 5773, ahead of the first vote of the Share the Burden Bill which will result in the draft of bnei yeshivos into the IDF.

Porush began by reminding his colleagues “I said two weeks ago that if compelled to serve in the IDF, bnei yeshivos will heed to the instructions of rabbonim, admorim and roshei yeshivos and they will go to jail, not the military as efforts to cut them off from Torah continue. Even if they place handcuffs on them”, at which time Porush pulls out handcuffs and attaches himself to the podium.

Defying Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein, Porush did not step down but remained, compelling ushers to come and use a handcuff key to release him and escort him away. “We are ready for nonsense like this” stated Edelstein in disgust.

At the same time, Yahadut Hatorah MKs tore kriya on the left side, explaining that as the vote to draft bnei yeshivos moves ahead they tear kriya as they did following the petira of parents.


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Tearing Kriya:

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

23 Responses

  1. If the shekatzim in the knesset -Bibi/Lapid/Bennett/Piron/Perry and other tamene donkeys (as Lapid referred to himself and to his ilk) – think they can enforce their CANTONIST DECREE over charedim, they should just remember what happened to PM Ariel Sharon for which he’s still suffering for 7.5 years! GEDOLEI YISRAEL HAVE POWER!

    In the meantime, some boycotting of chiloni big businesses (like Tenuva) would be a great way to stop those devils from their discriminating decrees. If they’ll feel it in their pockets because charedim are their best customers, the racist anti-Torah decrees will stop.

    These reshaim cannot enforce anything with their singling out charedim because they hate them. As long as Arab Israelis and the thousands of secular draft dodgers are not included, there’s nothing to worry about.

  2. could our politicians stop using these childish tactics. they don’t help and just cause more hatred. If we acted with dignity and class we might be more respected. Anyways our number one weapon is tefilla.

  3. please what a joke, making a mockery of Judaism and yes yiddishkeit. all they are asking that the ultra-Orthodox do what others have been doing for 60 years. In a way it is the ultra-Orthodox own fault by not giving in an inch. No army, no national service and not even one bocher.

  4. One can be against the drafting of the bochurim but this type of wild behavior is tremendous chillul Ha’Shem.

  5. @AThought

    Ariel Sharon had the backing of the Charedi parties who were only looking out for their own financial interests.

    So to invoke his “punishment” is laughable when he had the backing of “Gedolai Yisroel”

  6. Peaceful dramatic protests are good, but what is hopefully happening is something behind the scenes. There are many non-frum Israelis who oppose conscription, and it appears the people in charge of the army prefer a small highly motivated professional army which means one based not on conscription.

    But if push comes to shove, are leaders from parties such as Yahadut Hatorah willing to ally with those who haven’t been their allies (at least recently), such as the left wing parties (to oppose all conscription) or if that doesn’t work, with the Arabs (meaning to oppose the state itself, an Eidah Hareidis position that is very radical by establishment frum standards)? Will the Religious Zionists realize that the war on the hareidim will not work to their advantage in the long run and put an end to it (since they initiated it)? If one believes that the conscription of the bnei yeshiva is just one front in the war against the hareidi community, averting it will not impact on other fronts (e.g. secularizing the kossel, banning anti-gay groups from public life, mandatory gender mixing in public places and activities, closing down non-zionist schools, etc.)

  7. Where was all this outcry during the Gush Katif expulsion. !!! Why didn’t they tear krira and handcuff themselves to the podium to protest jews being kicked out of their homes in eretz yisroel????? Instead they participated in the government’s decision in kicking the jews out of their homes in Gush Katif.

    We need new leaders of the community in the knesset. This is just embarrassing and will accomplish nothing.

    I wonder if they even consulted the gedolim before they did this nonsense today – I doubt it.

  8. #3 NO! NOT EVEN 1 CHAREDI – whether he learns Torah or roams the street – are we ready to sacrifice to shmad or become Yiddishe Goyim r”l! Just the other day, YWN reported about peyot being cut off from those insubordinate boys. Why are you and posters like you sitting in blindfold? Or is it just your hatred over charedim uber alles even if you know they’re 100% right?

    #4 you’re right

    #6 It’s a TREMENDOUS KIDDUSH HASHEM how we charedim will not give in even 1% to these Yiddish Shekatzim in the government. Kol Hakovod to the boys who attacked those secular provocateurs posing as charedim. A TREMENDOUS KIDDUSH HASHEM!

    #7 Torah learning is more important than preserving land. Hashem will give us all of Eretz Yisrael when the time comes. There’s no reason to stop Jews from learning Torah for that. Jews have been learning in Europe and elsewhere, but only in Zionist Israel is learning Torah forbidden!
    By the way, charedim did not support Sharon on his cruel expulsion. Check it out.

    Daati Leumi are soldiers of the Zionist government whose laws override Torah law. They are the ones who should continue being soldiers in THEIR government’s army, if they wish. Charedim were and still are soldiers of Hashem and of Torah “first” and will continue doing so.

  9. Army is very sad.

    What comes to mind is when Dovid Hamelech, specifically sent Uriyohu Hachiti to a dangerous position in the battle, so that he be killed, so that Bat Sheva should be available.

  10. he is a clown looking for attention so when he has party politics people will rember his antics.. The issue here in israel was brought upon by the Chariedim themselves..for to many years to many of them played shtik and ruined it for those really learning.. it is very hard to explain why my son or my neighbors son – who learn and are frum etc have to dedicate their 3 years while my neighbor down the block doesnt..

  11. so do these hareidi MK have any ideas how to help hareidim with parnassah??? the status quo is not sustainable.

  12. #2, remember the chanuka story when those enlightened Greeks wanted to impose their way of life on Torah Jews (as the child I zionists would like to do now). The macabi’s didn’t just daven, they faught with their bodies against the Torah haters(similar to what the utj mk’s are doing.

  13. #6, aha, one can be against the drafting of bochurim. My dear friend u are one of millions of people who are fooled by those Torah haters and think its just a question of drafting bochurim. “THE DEFINITION OF SHARING THE BURDEN IS BEING MECHALEL SHEM SHAMAYIM ” so lets talk about what u can be against if you’d like and what’s a chilul Hashem

  14. To #15:

    Ending conscription would radically improve the parnassah situation. Unwillingness to serve in the army prevents most hareidi males from working on the books.

    Adopting a liberal reasonable accomodation policy on religious discrimination (and requiring more than de minimis hardship as a standard for halachic matters), including strict prohibition of “creating a hostile work environoment”. Most mainstream secular firms operate in a way that would seriously discourage hareidi employment (and also Arab employment – it’s not just frum Jews who believe that immodest dress and indecent behavior are inappropriate).

    Stop counting people employed by yeshivos as being unemployed. If teaching, or working in the office, or the working in the kitchen, or receiving a stipend as an advanced student, etc., would be considered “employed” at Harvard or Hebrew University – it should be considered “employed” at the Mir. Yeshivos (and seminaries) are actually a big industry, and as college towns in every culture attest, are a major source of parnassah. Since those “employed” by the yeshivos are trying to avoid serving in the zionist army, they are counted as unemployed- but they aren’t unemployed.

  15. I couldn’t stop laughing.
    All politics aside, it was a good shtick, a harmless prank.
    As lomg as people do things that bring no harm we are ok.
    Chill everyone.

  16. Im refering to the handcuff video, not the kriah video.
    Anyone who’s lost someone doesnt appreciate or do such stuff.
    Shame on the creep who did it. (I’m not even bothering to scroll up to look at his name.)

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