Has the Tisha B’Av Lesson Reached Anyone?

yatedThe recent European Union decision to boycott products made in communities over the Green Line; Yehuda, Shomron, Golan Heights and others has been met with a flurry of responses from Jerusalem. State leaders are working to push off such a reality, citing the 28 nations that compose the EU will be harming ongoing peace-making efforts between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority) with the policy.

However, once again, a statement siding with the EU decision against Israel comes from within. Not from Meretz or the likes of the vehemently left-wing party, but from our own camp, in the Thursday, 11 Menachem Av 5773 edition of Yated Neeman (Israel).

The paper adopts the position that the EU has every right to dictate policy to Israel, rhetorically asking Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu why the EU does not have such a right – to decide where its money is directed. The newspaper chooses to elaborate, explaining the money in question is generated by taxpayers in EU nations. Hence, they have every right since they feel the “settlements” are a hindrance to peace and defy the international community.

The newspaper continues by explaining while we do not know HKBH’s ways, nor can we understand when something occurrences are mida k’neged mida, continuing by then hinting to the treatment of the chareidi tzibur under the current administration. Yated concludes that it is permitted to surmise that possibly, there is a connection with the “evil government’s” policies towards chareidim and the community’s mosdos and the EU’s striking institutes of higher education that are viewed to be in “occupied areas”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. ever thought perhaps its time for klal yisroel to do teshuva & acdus return to kal yisroel-on all levels from chareidi to frei & reform etc…

    Perhaps then tzaros will come to a halt & mashiach can come

  2. YWN,
    Based on your take of many news stories I would be quite and not ask if the tisha b’av lesson reached anyone!

  3. what i would like to know, did the stupid people of the yated ask a rov if what they are saying is allowed, do they realize the chillul hashem, or i guess they want another holocaust??!! are you sure they are frum, cause no self respecting jew would say such nasty things about their own people!!!

  4. The sentiment in the frum communities in Eretz Yisroel is, that if the government can go s far to pass a law that will only further divide the secular from the Torah world, and the nationalists-settlers are cooperating with it, then this isn’t at all where we want to be, and the Zionist state doesn’t have any merit to exist as a power.

  5. Not only the EU but Gedolei Yisrael in Israel are planning to boycott some secular services and businesses, like Tenuva. If the secular will feel it in their pockets, they’ll realize who’s giving them business.
    Even boycotting Egged to and from Bnei Brak and Yerushalayim will get the reshaim in the government to stop their discrimination against charedim. (Quite a few rich people are ready to support private buses.)

  6. If Israel persists in persecuting hareidim, which will cause major civil disobedience and perhaps some individuals to request asylum in Europe – it will be much easier for Israel’s enemies to advocate boycotts. From the perspective of much of the world, Zionism is a gigantic “affirmative action” program to compensate for past religious bigotry, and to be a “haven” for Jews — but if the most obviously Jewish people in Israel are asking for protection from the Zionists, and loudly saying that the zionists aren’t the rightful hiers of those who lived in Israel in Biblical times, Israel international status will decline.

  7. They’re not saying that Europe is right and Israel is wrong. Of course the European crocodile tears about the Palestinian plight is surely based on lies that even they know…

    They’re just saying that in the spirit of the esteemed PR Netanyahu, who to the world trumpets the voice of justice and reason, and at home he prefers going with whats popular, choosing the power game over what’s right – there’s no reason the Europeans don’t have a right to boycott what their taxpayers see as an obstacle for peace.

    Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t see the “Midah K’neged Midah”…

  8. Europe has no moral authority to criticize anyone. It will backfire on them.

    It’s seems to me that it’s reasonable to fight for Chareidi rights and against those trying to cause it harm, but I can’t overlook Chareidi behavior in so many ways. As someone who has identified with Chareidim my entire life, i’m embarrassed to have an association with such behavior, include that of some Rabbonim.

    I also don’t see why a Chareidi who is not learning in Yeshiva should have an exemption from the IDF and the alternative of National Service. Why should anyone be above that? It is the law of the land.

    Maybe if those who are rightfully trying to prevent Bochrim in Yeshiva from being drafted were more reasonable, a compromise could have been made to exempt everyone who is really learning.

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